Category Archives: Trump

Stable Genius Cleans Stable

stable genius

Morning Joe counsels that President Trump is demented. And Yale psychiatrist Dr. Bandy Lee agrees. She warned that “the president’s mental health might lead to the extinction of the human species.”

At the very least, Michael Wolff cautioned that “something is grievously amiss.”

Nurse Ratched was unavailable for comment.

Nevertheless, the president reassured everyone -“I’m a very stable genius.”

Celebrity Billionaire Presidency

celebrity billionaire presidency

It looks like we might not have corrupt campaign funding to kick around anymore. The 2020 presidential field is filling up with billionaire celebrities who can fund their own campaign corruption. And that’s not to mention the free publicity they’ll get.

Oprah gave a speech at the Golden Globes setting off speculation she wants to be president. Her celebrity colleagues went wild. Presumably she’ll run as a Democrat.

Celebrity Billionaire Presidency

And Mark Cuban, the celebrity billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks, has long been considering throwing his NBA championship ring in the ring. If he does so, he says he’ll run as a Republican. Though, as of November he said there’s only a 10% chance he’ll do it.

Maybe Oprah will inspire him.

Trump, Dow, Book Sales Soar, Bannon Crashes

Steve Bannon called Trump’s son “treasonous” and “unpatriotic”. The quotes appear in Michael Wolff’s new book Fire and Fury.

This didn’t sit well with President Trump. Trump tweeted that Bannon “lost his mind” when he fired him. The Avenging Donald then sicced his lawyers on Wolff – guaranteeing best seller status for the book .

CNN’s Brian Stetler claims Wolff’s book “suggests Trump is unstable and raises alarms about his fitness for office.”

But CNN also reports that Secretary of State Tillerson, once accused of calling Trump a moron, never questioned the president’s mental health. And the White House deputy press secretary called Wolff a fake news, crackpot fantasy fiction writer.

Wolff agrees! A note in the front of his book says some of his sources definitely lied to him.

Dow Up Bannon Down

Whatever. If it’s stability you want, the Dow steadily rose above the 25,000 mark.

Stock analyst Paul Gambles is terrified about that too.




Death to Khamenei

Death to Khamenei

In a WSJ op-ed, Mark Duowitz and Ray Takeyh describe the current uprising in Iran. They say it differs from the Green Revolution which was about election fraud. This one began “over economic grievances and quickly transformed into a rejection of theocracy.”

The protesters are angry that $100 billion in Iranian assets unfrozen by the Obama administration haven’t trickled down to the people. Instead the money has gone to support militias in the Middle East and energy and weapons for Bashar Assad in Syria.

Death Threats

So, instead of chanting “Death to America” they now shout “Death to Khamenei” and “Death to Rouhani!”

The White House narrative on Iran has changed too. The Trump administration is supporting the protesters and ignoring the “moderate leadership.”



Trump’s First Year

Trump's First Year

Despite his low popularity President Trump’s first year wasn’t bad. He signed a tax cut into law, cut regulations, and oversaw a growing economy and booming stock market.


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