Category Archives: Trump

By The Book

by the book

Susan Rice didn’t let the door hit her on the way out of the White House. Instead she sent herself an email.

It was time stamped 12:15 pm January 21 – the day of President Trump’s inauguration. And her self-message recapped a January 5 meeting President Obama held with top staffers.

By the Book

In that meeting Obama instructed his staff on the transfer of information to the new administration. Or the non-transfer of information as National Review’s Andrew McCarthy suspects.

At any rate, Susan Rice let the record show that President Obama insisted it be done “by the book.”

Adam Schiff Leaks

adam schiff

Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee has prepared a four page memo. The memo is a summary of thousands of pages of information the FBI refused to turn over to the committee until it was threatened with contempt of Congress. The committee is responsible for oversight of the FBI.

Nunes says the public has a right know about the information in the memo. But the FBI is fighting its release.

The summary is said to reveal the quality of evidence the Justice Department presented to a FISA court. The FISA court has the power to authorize spying on Americans, including members of the Trump 2016 presidential campaign.

Adam Schiff

Adam Schiff is the ranking Democrat on the committee. He says Nunes is trying to distract from Special Counsel Mueller’s Russian collusion investigation by releasing classified information. And he now claims Nunes altered information in the memo.

Trey Gowdy says the memo will be an embarrassment to Schiff.

Until now Schiff has shown little interest in obtaining information about FBI efforts to spy on Americans. Except when it suites his purposes.

Then he leaked the information.

Pelosi’s Crumbs


Nancy Pelosi called Trump’s tax cuts for workers “crumbs”. Thousand dollar crumbs, but still crumbs.

No doubt the House Minority Leader from San Francisco does have thousand dollar crumbs on her plate.

By her lights those crumbs are a “little piece of cheese in a mouse trap” for the little people who elect her to do what she does.

I don’t think she gets why her party has crumbled.

New Davos Man Tune

davos man

Thanks to tax reform and deregulation the economy is booming and the stock markets are soaring. Apple is returning billions to the U.S. And other companies are offering pay raises and bonuses.

So Trump celebrated by slapping 30% tariffs on imported solar panels and washing machines.

New Davos Man

On Friday he speaks to the global ruling class in Davos Switzerland. Maybe I should have had the new Davos Man blowing “America First.” Or “Trade War.”






Flake Out


Sen. Jeff Flake (R- Arizona) gave a speech to Dick Durbin and some reporters last week. He compared President Trump to Stalin for his “Fake News” tweets.

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