Category Archives: Uncategorized

Go, O.J., Go!

Judge Protects Deutsche Bank From Trump

Vladimir Putin sends his rivals to The Gulag. Joe Biden sends his to Judge Arthur Engoron.

Gorilla Mask Egg Caper Draws Crickets

Gorilla mask, Newsom recall election

After repeated intimate exposure to Bokbluster, I decided to self-quarantine for the summer. But now I’m back. While away I still drew cartoons for paying customers and will spend the fall backdating the ones I liked.

This one is from shortly before the California recall election. A white woman in a gorilla mask threw an egg at Larry Elder. I know it’s California – but still – pretty much media crickets. Apparently California voters were ok with it too. Gavin Newsom won handily.

Locked Down Traders flush Wall Street Elite

locked down, locked down traders, Wall street elite

Locked down, lost your job? Have some fun flushing a hedge fund.

I ran across this update on an old prank in Thursday’s Wall Street Journal:

On Discord, in a chat room linked to WallStreeBets, a user on Tuesday posted, “Guys, we need to pump $GME. Everyone buy 1000 shares in exactly 60 seconds.”

WSJ, Individual Investors Rout Hedge Funds, p. 10, 1/28/2021

Election Lawyers Gone Wild Today

Election lawyers, election day
Click image to enlarge

Those crowds spilling out the doors and wrapping around the block on election day – They’re not voters. They’re Election Lawyers!

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