Category Archives: Airlines
United Airlines Sets Pilot Quotas for 2030

United Airlines has pledged to hire more women and people of color as pilots. Is the company lowering its standards or is it not hiring the best pilots now?
Corporate CEOs Woke to State Voter Laws

Elite corporate CEOs held a zoom conference over the weekend. Their mission was to show they are woke to state laws that suppress minority voters. Or, in other words, to stay a step ahead of the mob. Ed Bastian, CEO of Atlanta based Delta is very concerned about the Georgia voter law which requires ID, just like the company he runs. In 2015 Delta paid $450 million for a 3.5 percent stake in its Chinese partner China Eastern Airline.
Infrastructure Freezes Texas in its Tracks

Dallas hit 81 degrees yesterday, but the Polar Vortex froze Texas stiff last week. President Trump met with union bosses 84 degrees ago to talk infrastructure.
We are so far behind the curve in terms of infrastructure, everything from canals to highways to airports, to everything we can do and we need to do to make ourselves competitive in the 21st century.
President Biden discussing his “Build Back Better agenda with union bosses
And then there’s the Keystone XL Pipeline.
In revoking this permit, the Biden Administration has chosen to listen to the voices of fringe activists instead of union members and the American consumer on Day 1
Mark McManus, general president of the United Association of Union Plumbers and Pipefitters after the same meeting.
No word on jet engine maintenance.
Race Against Time, Virus vs. Savings

It’s a race against time. Can the virus be spent before your savings?
701,000 American jobs were lost in March and the unemployment rate rose from 3.5% to 4.4% in one month according to the WSJ.
Meanwhile, The Guardian says about 35 companies are working on a vaccine and Moderna is about to begin human testing. And “many many‘ groups are working on immunity-giving antibody tests that provide results in minutes.
Economy Not Sheltering in Place

The economy isn’t sheltering in place. It’s heading down. Fast.
Goldman Sachs forecasts 15% unemployment and a 34% decline in GDP in the second quarter. And the stock market just finished its worst quarter since 2008.
Goldman Sachs is still predicting a “V-shape” recovery, however, meaning the steep drop-off will lead to a bigger bounce of 19 percent in the third quarter.
The Hill
Economy Not Sheltering
The election is seven months away. Can Trump pull the economy out of its Corona nose dive by then?
Scott Brennan, an Iowa Democratic National Committee member and a former state party chairman, said, “If the economy pops back … it’s hard to know what people are going to think.”