Category Archives: Auto Industry

Car Talk

The 2000s are Calling, They Want Their Landlines Back

“I feel like it’s the early 2000s,” Transportation Secretary Buttigieg said in defense of the Biden administration’s EV policies which aim for 50% EV sales by 2030, “and I’m talking to some people who think we can just have landline phones forever.”

Any Motor You Want

Race Against Time, Virus vs. Savings

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It’s a race against time. Can the virus be spent before your savings?

701,000 American jobs were lost in March and the unemployment rate rose from 3.5% to 4.4% in one month according to the WSJ.

Meanwhile, The Guardian says about 35 companies are working on a vaccine and Moderna is about to begin human testing. And “many many‘ groups are working on immunity-giving antibody tests that provide results in minutes.

Feds Plan to Make Everyone Flush

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The feds are trying to stimulate the economy out of the toilet. The plan so far is to make everyone flush with free money. Thousand dollar plus checks could be in the mail soon.

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