Category Archives: Stimulus

There’s No Free Lunch, Unless You’re President Biden

No free lunch, Biden says his $3.5 trillion plan costs nothing,
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Turns out there is a free lunch after all. At least if you believe Joe Biden. And who doesn’t these days? The president says his $3.5 trillion entitlement plan will cost “nothing.” “Because we’re going to raise the revenue.”

Fire Feeding Feds

inflation fire, Fed, bond, Congress, Democrats, Republicans, It's green but is it carton neutral?
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The Feds are still feeding the Inflation fire. They might taper off on their bond buying spree but still plan to keep interest rates near zero.

Meanwhile Republicans want to blame Democrats for raising the debt ceiling to make room for more fuel.

Wall Street seems to have overcome its China angst, for now. It’s back on a shopping spree too.

Employment Numbers Short as Economy Booms

employment numbers

Friday’s employment numbers came in 800,000 short of expectations. Meanwhile, job openings go begging, proving this is still a capitalist country. If you pay Americans not to work that’s what they’ll do.

More than Covid Relief in Covid Relief Bill

More than covid relief

The $1.9 trillion Covid relief bill was about more than Covid relief. $350 billion went to state governments and another $129 billion to schools. Here’s a breakdown from the Tax Foundation.

The Virus is Soaring and Stocks are Plunging

virus is soaring, stocks plunging,
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The virus is soaring and stocks are plunging. And Dr. Fauci says we’re still in the first wave, with no stimulus in sight.

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