Category Archives: crime
Gag Decision

Well it happened. Alvin Bragg took time from his busy schedule of not prosecuting shoplifters and cop kickers to take down Donald Trump. The jury convicted him on all 34 counts of ,,,um, …um, well the judge never really did say what the underlying crime was. But he did hang a gag order on the leading candidate in the 2024 presidential election.
Oh wait, Trump said on Friday the gag order hasn’t been lifted.
Biden Campaign Contribution

The alleged crime in Trump’s hush money trial was 6 years past its expiration date. The only way Prosecutor Bragg could drag Trump into a New York courtroom was to tie the old crime to a new intended felony.
Here’s how the WSJ editorial page put it: “Mr. Bragg’s main argument for the second crime is that because the Stormy payoff was primarily meant to influence the 2016 election, it was in effect an illegal donation to Mr. Trump’s campaign.”
Or could Stormy’s two days of juicy testimony be considered a campaign contribution to Joe Biden?
The Case for Teenage Fights Including Knives

A Columbus police officer made a split second decision regarding teenage fights including knives. He shot and killed 16 year old Ma’Khia Bryant as the teenager was in the process of thrusting a knife into the body of another girl.
The event was tragic. And the outrage was immediate. And peculiar. Stephen L. Miller compiled a few of those responses in The Spectator:
‘Teenagers have been having fights including fights involving knives for eons. We do not need police to address these situations by showing up to the scene & using a weapon against one of the teenagers. Y’all need help. I mean that sincerely.’
Bree Newsome, Activist
“A Black teenage girl named Ma’Khia Bryant was killed because a police officer immediately decided to shoot her multiple times in order to break up a knife fight. Demand accountability. Fight for justice.”
Valerie Jarrett, Former aid to President Obama
Meanwhile, former NAACP leader Cornell Brooks brushed it all off as “a schoolyard fight.”
Maxine Waters Gets Confrontational

Maxine Waters told protesters to get “more confrontational” if the jury delivered the wrong verdict. Fortunately, the members found Derik Chauvin guilty, guilty, guilty. But Judge Cahill says Rep. Water’s words might be grounds for appeal.