Category Archives: cartoons
Republican Establishment Changes Horses
And Rubio’s dad was a bartender. Look where he ended up. Stomped.
Ed Rollins points out that Rubio “dropped like a rock” since he we was the establishment rock star four weeks ago. He says it’s between Trump and Cruz now.
Here’s Ann Coulter:
One would have to search the history books to find a party establishment so emphatically rejected by the voters as today’s Republican Party has been.
Between them, Trump and Cruz have won 77 percent of the delegates (1,067). The donor-approved, mass immigration advocates, John Kasich and the (late, lamented) Marco Rubio, have 23 percent.
Kasich does have one thing the remaining Freshman Senator and the Billionaire Blowhard don’t have – a resume. He’s a successful two term Governor of a traditional swing state and a tax cutting, budget balancing former chairman of the House Budget committee.
Trump credits Ohio’s surplus to fracking, not Kasich. And The WSJ’s Daniel Henninger say’s the 1997 federal balanced budget deal collapsed when the dot com bubble burst. Still, on this St. Paddy’s day, Henninger holds out a wee dram of hope for Kassich:
After many productive, honorable years in politics, John Kasich has made it to the national semifinals. But the GOP’s Last Governor is going to have to find another gear to win this.
Trump Naming Rights
Obama won’t name our enemy. Trump would probably try to sell the naming rights to radical Islam.
The Donald isn’t guilty of false humility. In a way it’s kind of refreshing to have a candidate who doesn’t claim he was born in a log cabin. Or that his dad was a bartender, or a mailman, or that he’s ashamed that he’s rich.
But the novelty could wear off fast.
iPhone Smarter Than Uncle Sam
Michael Hayden, the former head of the NSA, is on Apple’s side in the fight over cracking the iPhone of dead terrorist Syed Rizwan Farook. So is Ted Olson, former Solicitor General for George W. Bush. His wife was killed in the original 9/11 attack.
iPhone Smarter Than Uncle Sam
The FBI says Apple’s reluctance to co-operate is a marketing stunt. The government’s computers can be hacked but the government can’t hack Apple’s phone.
Seems hard to blame Apple for wanting us to know about it.