Category Archives: Me

Best of Bok 2017

Bokbluster 2017 Cartoon Review

Here’s a look Bok 2017. Click on a cartoon for a reminder of what it was all about. Then hit the back button to return here.

Happy New Year!bitcoin bounce

al franken

streep clinton weinstein

charles manson

hillary dossier

hillary book signing

bill hillary uranium one

fbi flipped bird at congress

pelosi waters

boys in girl scouts

big insurance

NFL sponsors


Charlottesville riot

airline dress code

middlebury college

iran North korea missile defense

Little fat boy

Ailes O'Reilly

Best of Bok 2016

Best of Bok

Here’s some of the Best of Bok. Well, at least these are the cartoons I liked best from 2016. Hope you like ’em too – or get a rise out of them anyway.

Please click an image for a link to see what it’s all about. Then hit the back button to return to this page.

Happy New Year!

(Update: All the links work now!)





Best of Bokbluster 2015

Here are 21 cartoons I kinda liked from Bokbluster 2015.
(Click an image to see the full size post. Use your browser “back” button to return to this page.)





ISIS Nuisance

151118-ISIS-NuisanceJohn Kerry thinks terrorists might have had cause for murdering cartoonists but the attack on Paris is beyond the pale. He backpedalled his statement but here it is. At least he didn’t croon “You’ve got a friend”.

He based his presidential campaign in 2004 on the idea that Islamic jihad is just a nuisance. President Obama feels the same. He wants to close Gitmo and prosecute Islamic jihadists though the US court system.

President Holland feels differently. Freedom fries anyone?


This analysis by John Lloyd of Reuters says it’s not only an act of war, ISIS is an “existential threat”.

Infamy II

Infamy IIInfamy II was my cartoon in the Akron Beacon Journal on September 12, 2001.

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