Category Archives: deficit

Happy Thanksgiving

Not long ago the big brothers and Big Sis’s of the Obama administration took to referring to themselves as the “federal family”. Embrace your kin – the most dysfunctional family ever. Happy Thanksgiving!

Sausage Works

President Obama signed $2.4 billion of new debt ceiling sausage into law. The Beaver’s evil twin, Missouri Democrat, Emanuel Clever, called the deal a satan sandwich. The stock market took one bite and retched up its remaining green gains for 2011.

Kick the Can

Here’s Obama telling congress not to kick the can down the road. Here’s Obama kicking the can down the road last February. Here’s the can. It’s big.


S&P downgraded the U.S. today. Kind of. It’s not that they don’t think we’re exceptional. They’re just starting to wonder if we can pay our bills.

We’re All Investors Now

Republicans used to call it tax and spend. Now it’s mostly just spend. Democrats call it investing. For all the hope and change, things have stayed pretty much the same.

I drew this in 1992.

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