Category Archives: bailout

Eric Holder’s Wars


Eric Holder’s Justice Department sued Standard and Poor’s for giving bad advice. That bad advice consisted of high ratings the company gave for mortgage backed securities leading to the 2008 meltdown.

Jack Lew, the president’s nominee for Treasury Secretary, worked for Citigroup’s subprime department during the time leading up to the 2008 meltdown. Lew was rewarded with a nearly million dollar bonus following Citigroup’s government bail-out.

In an effort to divert attention from Lew (okay I made that up), the White House released Justice Department documents justifying the killing U.S. citizens without judicial review. I didn’t make that up.

Location Location

U.S. taxpayers live in a bad neighborhood. Now the good neighbor, FHA, may be headed for a bail-out. FHA is $16 billion in the hole – we’re $16 trillion in the hole. How does that work?

Fiscal Cliff

Funny political cartoon shows car falling and the driver hopes to hit the fiscal cliff

The campaign’s over, we’re 16 trillion in debt, and now our betters want to talk about avoiding the Fiscal Cliff.

Here’s Obama on the Fiscal Cliff. Here’s Boehner. Best of all, here’s Ron Paul.

In case you’re wondering just what the Fiscal Cliff is, you can go here. If you read it let me know.

Biden Bin Laden Benghazi

With his trademark big smile, Vice President Biden makes some pithy remarks at the podium

Here’s Biden’s surprisingly pithy remark. And here’s Hillary saying of Libyan dictator Gadhafi, “We came. We saw. He died.”

Before The Fall

The president is threatening that there’s more where the auto bail-out came from.

“Now I want to do the same thing with manufacturing jobs, not just in the auto industry, but in every industry.”

Meanwhile a Congressional Budget Office report says a walk off the fiscal cliff will plunge the economy back into recession.

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