Category Archives: Cabinet

Gag Decision

Well it happened. Alvin Bragg took time from his busy schedule of not prosecuting shoplifters and cop kickers to take down Donald Trump. The jury convicted him on all 34 counts of ,,,um, …um, well the judge never really did say what the underlying crime was. But he did hang a gag order on the leading candidate in the 2024 presidential election.

Oh wait, Trump said on Friday the gag order hasn’t been lifted.

The 2000s are Calling, They Want Their Landlines Back

“I feel like it’s the early 2000s,” Transportation Secretary Buttigieg said in defense of the Biden administration’s EV policies which aim for 50% EV sales by 2030, “and I’m talking to some people who think we can just have landline phones forever.”

Pipeline Shakedown

Cyber-hackers, known as DarkSide, broke into the Colonial Pipeline’s computer system. Once inside they encrypted the operating system and held the company hostage. That was a big deal because Colonial pumps refined fuel from the Gulf to the eastern United States. Gas prices immediately skyrocketed and people lined up 1970s style. Some stations even had to shut down. Joe Biden put on a cardigan sweater and told people to turn down their thermostats. Ok, it didn’t get that bad. But it was bad enough that Colonial paid DarkSide a $4.4 million ransom to get back on line.

Thousands of trucks had tried to carry the load for Colonial but Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, a Democrat and former governor of Michigan, said pipelines are the best way to move oil and gas. That was a big deal too because Green New Dealers love to shut down pipelines. In fact, one of President Cardigan’s first acts in office was to kill the Keystone XL pipeline.

The current Michigan Governor, Gretchen Whitmer, also a Democrat, didn’t get her predecessor’s message either. She’s demanding that the Enbridge pipeline which passes underwater from the UP to the lower peninsula shut down immediately. And she’s threatening to take all the pipeline’s revenue if the company doesn’t obey her.

Climate Czar Latest Personal Perk for Treasury Sec

climate car, Yellen, treasury

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen plans to appoint a climate Czar. The Czar will use cold hard cash to protect the financial system from global warming. I just made that up. I don’t know what the Czar will do, but you can read about it here.

We Were Afraid Data Would be Used Against Us

afraid data would be used against us, cuomo

We froze because we were afraid the data was going to be used against us.

Melissa DeRosa, Top aid to NY Governor Andrew Cuomo

Governor Cuomo had ordered coronavirus patients into NYC nursing homes. And almost 15,000 seniors died. But the state only reported 8,500 deaths.

New York Attorney General Letitia James reported that the governor had undercounted the state’s COVID-related nursing home deaths by nearly 4,000, making the true nursing home resident death toll about 40 percent higher than Cuomo’s administration claimed. Then, Cuomo aide Melissa DeRosa admitted during a private conference call with Democrats that the administration had covered up the true death toll, afraid of provoking a Department of Justice investigation.

Liz Wolfe, Reason

And now he’s accused of sexual harassment.

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