The Science Says it’s Safe to Open Schools

The science says it’s safe to open schools – with certain precautions. But thanks to teachers unions, President Biden can’t hear what The Science is saying.
Equity Doesn’t Mean We All Get Shares of GameStop

President Biden recently signed executive orders promoting racial equity. He didn’t mention equality. Is equity the new equality? Here’s what Webster has to say about it. And here’s an illustration of the difference between the two.
And here’s what Ben Shapiro has to say about that.
Trump Voters Deprogramming Project

Katie Couric wants to deprogram 75 million Trump voters. Obviously, she hasn’t heard that their leader is a very stable genius. Still, there may be an executive order app for that.
Schilling Vetoed by Baseball Hall of Fame Voters

Baseball Hall of Fame voters chose not to elect anyone this year. Most agree Curt Schilling easily qualifies as a pitcher but his politics cancelled him out.
And here’s what Schilling had to say about that.
You are talking about a group of people who are 85% white and 90% male — and they are lecturing me on diversity and racism.
Locked Down Traders flush Wall Street Elite

Locked down, lost your job? Have some fun flushing a hedge fund.
I ran across this update on an old prank in Thursday’s Wall Street Journal:
On Discord, in a chat room linked to WallStreeBets, a user on Tuesday posted, “Guys, we need to pump $GME. Everyone buy 1000 shares in exactly 60 seconds.”
WSJ, Individual Investors Rout Hedge Funds, p. 10, 1/28/2021