Category Archives: President
Opposing Kavanaugh Nomination
Democrats protested President Trump’s Supreme Court choice. And that was before he picked Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
Opposing Kavanaugh Nomination
Meanwhile, Democratic Senator Dick Durbin wants red state Dems to take one for the team and commit political suicide by opposing the Kavanaugh nomination.
Robert De Niro Hollywood Wit
Robert De Niro is a wit sandwich.
He was preceded in wit recently by Sammantha Bee. She called Ivanka a feckless c__t. And he was followed by Peter Fonda’s plea for Barron Trump to be kidnapped by pedophiles.
Hollywood Wit
But on the Radio City Music Hall stage for the Tony Awards, De Niro offered a simpler call to political action. F__k Trump.
And he got a standing ovation.
No FBI Bias Here
Inspector General Michael Horowitz looked into the FBI investigation of Hilary Clinton’s email server. He released his report on Friday and testified before the House Judiciary Committee yesterday.
Some of his more interesting findings included text messages from lead FBI agent Peter Strzok. He referred to Hillary as the “future prez.” Strzok also said he would “stop Trump.” Still, the IG found no FBI bias in the investigation results.
No FBI Bias Here
Here’s Trey Gowdy asking how Jim Comey could draft an exonerating press release six weeks before the FBI’s interview with Hillary took place.
If you’ve got some time on your hands watch the entire I.G. hearing here on C Span:
Norms Have Changed
In a PBS interview Bill Clinton pined for the old days. He griped that norms have changed. And you can’t have your way with people against their will anymore.
Well, as Jimmy Carter used to say, “life ain’t fair.”