Category Archives: Fitness
Trump Voters Deprogramming Project

Katie Couric wants to deprogram 75 million Trump voters. Obviously, she hasn’t heard that their leader is a very stable genius. Still, there may be an executive order app for that.
The Lid Closes on the Trump Campaign

Throughout September I kept reading that Joe Biden had called a “lid” on his campaign. The lid often closed by 9 a.m. and that meant no campaign activities or media availability the rest of the day.
Meanwhile President Trump put in full days, followed by Air Force One rides to campaign rallies and then back to the White House after midnight. Get up in four hours and repeat.
But now, a month before the election, the president has The Virus. And Joe is emerging from his basement shell.
The lid has turned.
Hydroxychloroquine, Moderna Vaccine and Trump

Hydroxychloroquine is President Trump’s drug of choice at the moment. It’s an anti-malarial drug that some think has an off-label use against Covid-19. On Monday Trump announced that he personally takes the drug. He told the press, “I was just waiting to see your eyes light up when I said this.”
There are risks, its effectiveness against Covid-19 is unproven but he’s taking the drug under the supervision of his physician.
It’s not like he’s mainlining Lysol. Still, the expected media freak-out ensued.
Pelosi offers second opinion on Trump Hydroxychloroquine Therapy
The Speaker of the House recommended against the therapy and diagnosed Trump as morbidly obese. The president countered that she’s a sick woman with a lot of mental problems.
Earlier Monday, Moderna announced that phase one testing of its Covid-19 vaccine showed positive results. So positive that the Dow shot up 900 points. But then Trump stepped the good news.
Sports Illustrated Too

Christine Blasey Ford Presents Award
The publisher of the popular Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue gave its Inspiration of the Year award to Rachael Denhollander. Rachel was the first to accuse Dr. Larry Nasser of sexually abusing her as a young gymnast under his care. And over 150 other other victims came forward to corroborate her story.
Here testimony put Dr. Nasser in prison for 175 years. And his employer, Michigan State University, paid $500 million in settlements to 332 victims. Vox has has an in depth story of what happened here.
Christine Blasey Ford Presents Award
Judge Kavanaugh was put on the U.S. Supreme Court.
Stable Genius Cleans Stable
Morning Joe counsels that President Trump is demented. And Yale psychiatrist Dr. Bandy Lee agrees. She warned that “the president’s mental health might lead to the extinction of the human species.”
At the very least, Michael Wolff cautioned that “something is grievously amiss.”
Nurse Ratched was unavailable for comment.
Nevertheless, the president reassured everyone -“I’m a very stable genius.”