Category Archives: Corona Virus

No College Football for You and put that Mask back on

college football
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No college football for you. And if you’re a Badger don’t go on zoom without a mask. There will be no return to normal for quite some time. The Big Ten and Pac-12 pulled a Lucy and yanked the ball away as the college football season was about to kick off.

Dr. Fauci’s First Pitch, and His Second Pitch

Dr. Fauci, first pitch, MLB
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Dr. Fauci pitched like an Imperial College Covid-19 model. Not very accurately.

As you can see, I drew this before Dr. Fauci actually threw his MLB season opening first pitch last night. His high school basketball skills didn’t translate to baseball. But then neither did President Obama’s, or Michael Jordan’s for that matter.

In fairness, it must be nerve racking standing in the middle of a major league stadium with all those cardboard cutouts staring you down.

Here’s the 60 foot gold standard of first pitches at game 3 of the 2001 World Series in Yankee Stadium. It turned out to be the last time the country was united.

Go ahead, Throw a Brick, You’ve Been Through a Lot

throw a brick, you've been through a lot this spring, better to light a candle
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Throw a brick. You’ve been through a lot this spring.

But, remember, it’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness. Oh, wait, I just looked it up and that might be a Chinese proverb. It’ll have to be quarantined.

How about this? It’s better to throw a brick at your own TV than your neighbor’s TV. What could be more American?

Could be the first step back to sanity.

Germs Build Immunity

Germs, immunity, China
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Germs build immunity. That’s because your body remembers pathogens. And it hates them. So when your body sees a pathogen it recognizes, it gets very upset and kills it. At least that’s how Harvard professor of microbiology Michael N. Starnbach, PhD sees it.

And if you don’t believe Dr. Starnbach, just ask George Carlin.

But how’s your body going to meet new germs if it’s holed up behind a mask in your basement? Besides that, hiding out from germs could drive you crazy.

Issues and Insights reports on a study that claims there could be 75.000 or more deaths due to the Covid-19 shutdown. It blames depression and stress.


Blue State Pre-existing Condition

blue state pre-existing condition, bailout, public worker pensions
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Blue states have a pre-existing condition that makes them more vulnerable to the Corona virus lockdown. And Nancy Pelosi has a plan for that. But Mitch McConnell pronounced her $3 trillion bailout cure dead on arrival. Instead, he prescribed bankruptcy.

But the U.S. Constitution might pronounce that idea is dead on arrival too.

The plan could be raised from dead though. Bloomberg Businessweek says red states need bailouts too.

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