Category Archives: Auto Industry

Biden Bin Laden Benghazi

With his trademark big smile, Vice President Biden makes some pithy remarks at the podium

Here’s Biden’s surprisingly pithy remark. And here’s Hillary saying of Libyan dictator Gadhafi, “We came. We saw. He died.”

Before The Fall

The president is threatening that there’s more where the auto bail-out came from.

“Now I want to do the same thing with manufacturing jobs, not just in the auto industry, but in every industry.”

Meanwhile a Congressional Budget Office report says a walk off the fiscal cliff will plunge the economy back into recession.

Make My Bailout

From spaghetti westerns to J. Edgar Hoover, Clint Eastwood commands attention. So when he gives a half-time pep talk at the Super Bowl you listen. Rich Lowry gave the performance a rave review but didn’t care for the script.


Even cartoonists know old inefficient businesses need to be destroyed to make way for new and better things. Otherwise we’d be drawing on cave walls instead of computers.

Driving on Mute

The National Transportation Safety Board wants cell phones banned in cars – except for devices built into the car by the manufacturer. Ron Paul objects by pointing out the constitution has nothing to say about cell phones or cars.

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