Category Archives: Joe Biden
Biden Campaign Contribution

The alleged crime in Trump’s hush money trial was 6 years past its expiration date. The only way Prosecutor Bragg could drag Trump into a New York courtroom was to tie the old crime to a new intended felony.
Here’s how the WSJ editorial page put it: “Mr. Bragg’s main argument for the second crime is that because the Stormy payoff was primarily meant to influence the 2016 election, it was in effect an illegal donation to Mr. Trump’s campaign.”
Or could Stormy’s two days of juicy testimony be considered a campaign contribution to Joe Biden?
Worried that Trump Less than a Stable Genius

After the March 6 Capitol riot world leaders from China’s military brass to America’s Nancy Pelosi worried that President Trump was less than a stable genius. So General Milley called his Chinese counterpart to assure him he’d let him know if Trump ordered an attack.
The general also said that President Biden rejected his advice to keep a force of 2,500 troops in Afghanistan. He didn’t resign but described the withdrawal as a logistical success but a strategic failure.
Fire Feeding Feds

The Feds are still feeding the Inflation fire. They might taper off on their bond buying spree but still plan to keep interest rates near zero.
Meanwhile Republicans want to blame Democrats for raising the debt ceiling to make room for more fuel.
Wall Street seems to have overcome its China angst, for now. It’s back on a shopping spree too.
Milley Over The Horizon Surprise

A new book by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa claims Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley told his Chinese counterpart, “If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise.”
A month ago an Afghan family was surprised by a U.S. drone strike that killed 7 children and their father, an Afghan worker for a U.S. aid agency. The attack was part of President Biden’s “over the horizon” strategy to fight terrorism.