Category Archives: Inauguration
Trump will Leave White House One Way or Another

President Trump will leave the White House within 7 days one way or another. Passions run high about his remaining options.
The WSJ editorial page wants him to resign. Nancy Pelosi demanded that Mike Pence invoke the 25th amendment. But Pence said no – the same answer he gave when Trump pressured him to overturn the election. Now Pelosi wants a second Trump impeachment.
A Monday Quinnipiac survey found that 89% of Democrats want Trump frogmarched now. But 87% of Republicans are opposed. And 73% of Republican still believe there was “widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election.”
If a big chunk of the population thinks the election was illegitimate what will they think of impeachment?
But if he’s not impeached does that mean loser presidents get a free pass from election day to inauguration day?
Big Tech Lends a Tentacle to Progressives

Big Tech is putting the squeeze on free speech. And it’s being embraced by progressives, as long as someone else’s speech gets the squeeze. Early progressive’s battled trust octopi. But no more.

Big Tech
In the 19th century, “progressives” sought to curb the power of monopolies and trusts on the logic that the proverbial people had only the railroads or telegraphs to travel or communicate, and should be freed from their octopus “tentacles.” The railroad argument, “Ride a horse if you don’t like us,” never washed.
Now progressives enlist social media monopolies to ensure that they alone can control, censor, and cancel incorrect communications over the publicly owned airspace. “Just email or use your cell phone, if you don’t like us” won’t wash either. Progressives are no longer the watchdogs breaking up trusts. They are the trusts breaking up watchdogs.
Victor Davis Hanson, American Greatness Jan 10,2021
Trump’s Brief Inaugural Speech
Two things I liked about Trump’s inaugural speech. He only used the word “I” three times. And it was short – 16 minutes.
John Kass in the Chicago Tribune wrote, “This wasn’t a smooth-talking politician inviting us to climb aboard his fancy word ship for a voyage beyond the stars. He did not call upon the angels. Instead, he spoke in dark tones to the forgotten man.”
It was that beginning that was astonishing, his declaration of war on the establishment, especially as they all sat there with him, with former Presidents Carter and Bush and Clinton and Obama looking on, outgoing first lady Michelle Obama frowning, Hillary Clinton icy and distant.
Bush bobbed his head and smiled as if in pain. Bill Clinton’s eyes were two frozen blue grapes, locked in a thousand-yard stare. But what he was looking at inside his own head, I wouldn’t ever want to know.
Inaugural Speech
Kass, among others, called the speech Jacksonian. But large parts of it could have been given by Bernie Sanders, “Why go to war when we can use that money building freeways at home?”
As they stood together on the capitol steps, I was struck by Barack Obama’s elegance. Maybe it was the crease in his pants, but it stood in contrast to Trump’s, um, Trumpian appearance.
But Obama was no match for Melania.
Should be an interesting four years.
Political Intelligence Dossier Dosey Doe
The CIA has a “high degree of confidence” that Putin hacked the election in favor of Trump. CNN reported that intelligence agencies had briefed Trump about an incriminating dossier. The document, compiled by a former British spy, implies Trump could be manipulated by Russia. BuzzFeed published a whiz bang story revealing the dossier’s unverified contents.
Meanwhile FBI Director James Comey is being investigated by the inspector general.
Democrats are enraged about a letter, damaging to Hillary Clinton, that Comey sent to Congress days before the election. It’s against FBI policy to comment on its investigations. But the same Democrats were thrilled by Comey’s earlier comment that Hillary shouldn’t be prosecuted.
There is no investigation of Comey’s boss AG Loretta Lynch concerning her secret meeting with Bill Clinton last summer on an airport tarmac.
And now civil rights legend John Lewis says Trump is an illegitimate president-elect. Naturally, the MSM narrative was about Trump’s tweeted response to Lewis’s attack on his legitimacy.
Bob Woodward thinks Trump has a right to be pissed.