Category Archives: Cabinet

Chinese Virus Emergency

Chinese virus, coronavirus, Huawei Network, U.K., United Kingdom
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The World Health Organization wants to ban Chinese virus exports. So this week it officially designated the coronavirus outbreak a public-health emergency.

But also this week, Boris Johnson gave the official o.k. for the U.K. to import Huawei G5 networking technology.

And that doesn’t sit well with Boris’s best buddy Donald Trump. Last May Trump issued his own national emergency, essentially banning Huawei in America.

Another Chinese Virus?

Secretary of State Pompeo believes China spies through Huawei networks. He’s in London to welcome Brexit but “warned that the Chinese Communist party did not have “a technical back door to Huawei. They have the front door.”

House Judiciary Committee One, Barr None

House Judiciary Committee, Jerry Nadler, Attorney General Barr
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The House Judiciary Committee voted to hold Attorney General Barr in contempt of Congress. Chairman Jerry Nadler demands that Barr turn over a complete unreacted copy of the Mueller report on collusion with Russia. But Nadler knows Barr can’t do that because the report contains grand jury testimony. And that’s illegal. Barr has made a minimally redacted version available to certain members of Congress. But so far no Democrats have bothered to take a look.

Really Big Big Loser, Everyone Agrees

Big big loser, trump tax returns
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The NYT got hold of Trump’s tax returns from 1985-94. He lost $1.17 billion.

Big Big Loser

It’s not fake news but it may not really be news at all. In fact Trump bragged about it at the time, and wrote a book. Probably only really lost a billion.

Comey Critiques Trump Soul Food

Comey Critiques Trump Soul Food
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The Dow fell 450 points after President Trump tweeted threats to bump tariffs on $200 billion of China stuff from 10% to 25%. He also weighed in on the Kentucky Derby and Bob Mueller.

Trump Soul Food

But the president’s not alone in letting people know what he thinks. James Comey wrote an op-ed for the NYT claiming Trump eats Attorney General Barr’s soul in small bites.

Banned on Facebook

banned on facebook
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Various bad actors were banned on Facebook last week. The list includes conspiracy theorist nut jobs like Alex Jones and Louis Farrakhan.

Fired FBI chief Andrew McCabe thinks President Trump is a Russian asset. But he didn’t make the bad actor cut.

Jack Shafer in Politico says, “free speech took a whacking Thursday.” He says there are better ways to deal with the likes of Alex Jones.

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