Category Archives: Corruption
Michael Cohen Swamp Fox
Looks like Michael Cohen could afford to pay Stormy Daniels $130,000. Though, based on past behavior, I wonder if he first tried to sell her access to the president for a future “encounter.”
Swamp Fox
According to The Hill he tried to hit up the Qatari government for a cool million in exchange for access. Also on Cohen’s client access list were Novartis and ATT.
It’s the way of the swamp. But not illegal.
Rocky Rudy Defense
In a kind of weird series of events Rudy Giuliani took over President Trump’s legal defense. And he allowed that Trump knew Michael Cohen paid $130,000 to Stormy Daniels. Not only that, Trump paid him back.
Rocky Rudy Defense
Rudy apparently was attempting to show the payment was personal and not a campaign contribution. But yesterday Trump tried to walk back his comments.
Rosenstein Extortion
Deputy A.G. Rosenstein is finally getting tough about the Mueller investigation. He’s not going to let the House Intelligence Committee extort him. Here’s how he responded when the committee’s demands for more information this week:
“There have been people making threats privately and publicly against me for quite some time,” Mr. Rosenstein said. “They should know by now the Department of Justice is not going to be extorted, and that any kind of threats that anybody makes are not going to affect the way we do our job.”
Rosenstein Extortion
So here’s what former Bill Clinton advisor Mark Penn has to say about that:
I suppose he meant to say, “Only we here at the Justice Department do the extorting, with special counsels, daylight raids of people’s attorneys, bankrupting people with legal fees, threats to prosecute family members, and questionable wiretapping of Americans.”
Finally, the WSJ’s Kimberly Strassel wants Paul Ryan to get tough with kingpin Rosenstein:
Mr. Ryan’s committee chairmen have done remarkable work exposing FBI behavior, and they deserve backup. The quickest way to get Justice and FBI to comply with these legitimate requests is for Mr. Ryan to state strongly and publicly that he has zero qualms about proceeding down the road of contempt or impeachment if House demands are not met. This is the people’s government, not the Justice Department’s.
Stormy White House
The WSJ says, President Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, paid $130,000 to porn star Stephanie Clifford, aka Stormy Daniels. Stormy says the payment was part of an agreement to keep quiet about an “encounter” between the two in 2006.
Better Offer for Stormy?
But now she wants out of the deal because she says Trump never signed it.
The Washington Post reported Hillary Clinton’s campaign hid payments through a lawyer too. The campaign’s law firm Perkins Coi paid Fusion GPS to make noise by digging dirt on Trump before the election. Fusion GPS in turn hired the British spy Christopher Steel who produced the “salacious” dossier used to gain FISA court permission to spy on Trump associates.
According to a new book, Russian Roulette, by Michael Isikoff and David Corn, Hillary was following in big footsteps. The Obama campaign had hired the same firm to dig dirt on Mitt Romney.
Integrity Beyond Question
Attorney General Loretta Lynch was caught red handed discussing grandkids with Bill Clinton. Bill’s wife, Hillary, was under investigation at the time for her secret email server. So the AG turned over her decision making authority in the caper to FBI Director James Comey.
When Comey decided not to prosecute, a Greek Chorus of Democrats sang his praises. But when he reopened the case, due to emails found on Carlos Danger’s laptop, they changed their tune.
Integrity Beyond Question
Harry Reid, having pronounced Comey’s integrity beyond question, questioned it by accusing him of violating the Hatch Act. At least he hasn’t accused Comey of not paying his taxes. Yet.