Category Archives: Congress

Hypocrisy among Politicians over RBG Replacement

Hypocrisy, Politicians
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Hypocrisy in defense of virtue is no vice… or something like that.

Justice Antonin Scalia died in February 2016, ten months before the November presidential election.

So President Obama did his duty and nominated Merrick Garland to fill the opening. But Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to bring the nomination to the Senate floor for a vote.

Here’s what McConnell had to say about that:

“The American people may well elect a president who decides to nominate Judge Garland for Senate consideration,” McConnell said. “The next president may also nominate someone very different. Either way, our view is this: Give the people a voice.”

The already touchy Democrats weren’t happy.


But here’s what Senator Schumer had to say in 2007 when George W. Bush was president:

I will recommend to my colleagues that we should not confirm a Supreme Court nominee EXCEPT in extraordinary circumstances.”

And here’s what Schumer had to say when the Notorious RBG joined her good friend Nino in eternal rest:

The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, the vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.

Oh, and then there’s Lindsey Graham explaining in 2016 why Judge Garland shouldn’t be confirmed:

I want you to use my words against me. If there’s a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say Lindsey Graham said let’s let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination

Distractions from Covid in the Middle East

distractions, middle east, pelosi
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A lot of distractions are out there – forest fires, molotov cocktail fires, pandemics and bad hair days. And now the final insult: President Trump signs peace deals in the Middle East! What will he steal next, President Obama’s Nobel Prize?

Only Her Hair Dresser Knows if Nancy was Set Up

hair, pelosi, salon setup
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Biden blames Trump, Pelosi blames the hair salon. Fox News somehow obtained video of the Speaker’s illicit San Francisco blowout.

The city only permits outdoor hairdos. But Pelosi had her do done deep in the bowels of a salon. Without a mask.

When faced with the evidence, she claimed it was a salon setup. The owner says it’s a lie.

All can agree, however, Nancy’s hair looks great. No word if Joe thinks it smells good too.


Fireworks for Everybody

fireworks, rnc speeches, fireworks show
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There weren’t many fireworks in the speeches at the virtual RNC. But the show at the end was nice.

South Carolina launched Joe Biden’s Democratic Primary win. And Republicans seem to be hoping the Palmetto State will do the same for Donald Trump in the general election.

If the country suffers from systemic racism you’d expect to find it in the first state to secede from the union. Tim Scott grew up there poor and black in a single parent home. But somehow he managed to work his way from “the cotton fields to Congress.” At least that’s how how he put it in his RNC Speech. He even beat Strom Thurmond’s son in a congressional primary.


Speaking of Scions, there were way too many of them on stage. Even The Donald, Jr’s girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, got in a minute and a half at the top of her lungs.

My favorite convention event, however, was the fireworks display over the National Mall.

Wonder how the BLM protesters attacking Rand Paul and guests on the other side of the White House liked it?

Snatching Power of the Purse with Executive Orders

snatching power, trump, pen and tweets, three branches of government
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Six years ago President Obama went around Congress and snatched its power of the purse. He announced “We’re not just going to be waiting for legislation, I have a pen and a phone… and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions.”

Obama, pen, phone

So I drew this Obama cartoon:

Snatching Power

And now President Trump is messing with the same purse. He used an executive order to go around Congress and cut off stimulus talks.

So, a foolish consistency being the hobgoblin of a small mind, I drew the Trump cartoon above.

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