Tag Archives: Obama

Obama off the Hook

130910-obama-putin-off-hook-cartoon-After redlining himself into a hopeless corner of the Mideast live box, Putin let Obama off the hook. Actually, it was more gaffe than hook.

Kerry’s lame comment about Syria turning over its chemical stockpiles is the basis for the whole thing. At first he walked back his proposal. Then Putin snatched it up, Assad agreed, and Kerry walked back the walk back.

Soon enough Obama took credit for the idea and the party elite swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. Next thing we know President Obama was flip flopping like a fish out of water while giving a speech, trying to convince us to hold off on a war nobody – least of all him – wants.

Noonan Nails Obama

Peggy Noonan imagines Putin wants to negotiate with a president of foreign policy stature (like Nixon) but he’s stuck with “a self-besotted charismatic who can’t tell the difference between showbiz and strategy”.

Update: Michael Tackett at Bloomberg covers the whole situation here.

What Red Line?

130904-credibility-syria-obama-what-red-line-cartoonDuring a press conference on August 20 President Obama said, “a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized.”

Yesterday in Stockholm, he said, “I didn’t set a red line. The world set a red line.”

He didn’t build that red line. Somebody else made that happen.

Obama continued, “Keep in mind, I’m somebody who opposed the war in Iraq, and I’m not interested in repeating mistakes about basing decisions on faulty intelligence”.

Secretary of State John Kerry says he has proof that Assad gassed his own people, but then Colin Powell had proof of Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction. For good measure Kerry also insists that Syrian rebels are moderate .

Shirtless Putin says, “Kerry lies“.

Assad is accused of murdering a few hundred of his own. Ann Coulter notes that Saddam Hussein killed 50,000 plus with chemical weapons, leading up to the war Obama opposed. Bush’s invasion of Iraq so frightened Gadhafi that he gave up his weapons of mass destruction and turned in A Q Kahn, the ringleader of a world wide nuclear weapons black market.

Maureen Dowd, on the other hand, blames Bush.

Our Future Red Line Allies

Meanwhile it seems the Syrian rebels are busying themselves by executing men on their knees, and attacking a Christian village while they await our intervention in the war on Assad.

First Rodeo


990516 lores treasury rubin summersObama’s not the first president to be mocked as a rodeo clown. I hope he’s not the last. Drew this on in 1999.

Obama Leno Interview

130807Leno-Obama-cartoon-In an interview with a comedian, Obama complained that Putin doesn’t like being interviewed by reporters.

Putin on the Ring

130624-putin-ring-g8-cartoonAt last week’s G-8 Summit in Ireland (no relation to the Gang of Eight summit in Washington) Obama couldn’t interest Putin in his nuclear arms reduction scheme or in dumping blood-soaked Syrian ally Assad. This despite Obama’s post election flexibility.

Putin was also mum about Robert Kraft’s missing Super Bowl ring. The New England Patriot’s owner claims Putin stole it from him.

Mark Steyn speaks up here.


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