Tag Archives: election

Ballot Box Can’t be Trusted, Says Adam Schiff

Adam Schiff, ballot box, rigged election, our Democracy, Trump cheats
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Adam Schiff made the case against democracy at the Senate impeachment trial last week.

The president’s misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box, for we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won,” he said

A rigged election? In that case we have to impeach Trump before he wins again.

It takes a Village

Reminded me of the Vietnam quote, “It became necessary to destroy the village to save it.


Obama was for gay marriage before he was against it, before he was for it.


Newt now says he’ll do everything he can to help Mitt get elected. That’s a switch from January when he implied Romney was a corporate looter. Gingrich has run up a campaign debt of $4.3 million.

Flexible Leadership

In the president’s latest open mic escapade he was caught passing a message to Putin that he will be even more pliable when he’s no longer accountable to the voters.

Super Wednesday

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Santorum was edged out by Romney in the wee hours last night in Ohio. But no matter – Ohio delegates are won proportionally. Oh wait, the Santorum machine didn’t fill out all its delegate slates.

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