Category Archives: Religion

Republicans Did It did it/The NYT published an editorial Wednesday calling the Orlando shooting an act of hate. But the editors then said the precise motivation for the atrocity was unclear (Heather Wilhelm calls it America’s Hapless Terror Whodunit).

Republicans Did It

The editorial solved the mystery by finding that Republicans did it.

It blamed Republicans for creating a climate of hate for L.G.B.T. Americans that led to the violence in Orlando. No mention of a climate of Islamist hate for gays.

The shooter shouted allahu akbar and called 911 to proclaim he was acting for ISIS.

Progressives believe it when a man with a penis says he’s a woman but they don’t believe a man with a gun when he says he’s an Islamic Jihadist.

Paul Joseph Watson says, “The Left has chosen to protect the feelings of Muslims over the lives of gay people.”


Pope Prop


In the heat of the New York Democratic primary, Bernie Sanders hopped on a charter Boing 767-300 and burned a carbon footprint to the Vatican.

The Week has a good account of Sanders’ “awkward” campaign detour.

He claimed he was invited by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences to give a speech on morality in the world economy. The president of that group, Margaret Archer, says, “Sanders invited himself.”

A Vatican spokesman said Sanders would not meet the pope. But meet he did.

Bernie managed to bump into the Holy Father’s as he was leaving for Greece. He gushed:

“It was a real honor for me, for my wife and I to spend some time with him. I think he is one of the extraordinary figures not only in the world today but in modern world history.”

Here’s the pope’s description of the encounter:

“This morning when I was leaving, Sen. Sanders was there, he had come to the convention,” the pope said. “He knew I was leaving at that time and he had the courtesy to greet me. I greeted him, his wife, and another couple who were there and were sleeping in Santa Martha,” the hostel where Francis also lives. “When I came down, I greeted him, I shook his hand, and nothing more. This is called good manners and it is not getting involved in politics…. If anyone thinks that greeting someone is getting involved in politics, I recommend that he look for a psychiatrist.”

Obama Lectures Reporters

Obama lectures reporters

President Obama lectures reporters on reporting.

Jack Shafer reported in Politico on the president’s address at a journalism awards ceremony.

The occasion was the Toner Prize for Political Reporting awarded to Alley Mac Gillis by Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications.




Last Tango in Brussels

last tango in brussels

President Obama’s been dancing around the Islamic terror threat. He doesn’t want to take the lead. He says the threat isn’t “existential” and more people die in bathtub accidents.

He danced the Tango after the Brussels attacks. He played golf after James Foley was beheaded. John Kerry sent James Taylor to Paris to sing you got a friend after the Charlie Hebdo attacks.

While ISIS is losing ground in the Middle East the WSJ reports interlocking terror cells are growing throughout Europe.

Middle East

middle eastI like James Delingpole. He’s not having any of it from people who say the biggest problem with terrorism is our reaction to it.

He says life is cheap in the Middle East and it’s valuable in Europe and the United States. That’s because “our Judaeo-Christian civilisation, filtered through the Enlightenment, has fought hard over the centuries to make it more valuable.”

By the way, he doesn’t believe Climate Change is our greatest threat either.

Update: The Daily Mail reports ISIS crucified Indian Catholic priest Father Tom Uzhunnalil on Good Friday.


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