Category Archives: Attorney General

Gag Decision

Well it happened. Alvin Bragg took time from his busy schedule of not prosecuting shoplifters and cop kickers to take down Donald Trump. The jury convicted him on all 34 counts of ,,,um, …um, well the judge never really did say what the underlying crime was. But he did hang a gag order on the leading candidate in the 2024 presidential election.

Oh wait, Trump said on Friday the gag order hasn’t been lifted.

Steal This Election

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What makes you think Democrats would steal this election?

Michael Barone notes that Trump has grudgingly accepted defeat but hasn’t called off the legal dogs.

There’s a reason for that:

In violation of longstanding norms, Obama administration intelligence and law enforcement agencies spied on the opposition party campaign. Officials proffered the dodgy Steele dossier before the FISA court without revealing it was paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

…Again and again, leading Democrats — Hillary Clinton, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, the late Rep. John Lewis, Joe Biden, Jimmy Carter — called Trump an “illegitimate” president. For three years, Democrats advanced the Russia-collusion hoax without finding or producing any evidence except for the discredited Steele dossier.

Michale Barone, American Enterprise Institute

He concludes, “You reap what you sow.”

Cognitively Certified and Proud of it

Cognitively Certified, Joe Biden, Michael Flynn
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President Trump is cognitively certified and bragging about it. Not only did he test negative for Covid-19, his brain tested positive on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, or MoA.

As achievements go the test is a low bar. Passing it simply means you don’t have dementia. For now. But Trump seems to think Joe Biden couldn’t pole vault over the the bar and he’s trying to provoke him out of his basement to take the test.

Joe’s Cognitive abilities may serve him well. He said he didn’t know anything about the Michael Flynn investigation. But former FBI agent Peter Stzrok’s notes from a Jan 2017 meeting say Biden recommended prosecuting Flynn under the Logan Act.

Obama deputy AG Sally Yates says she doesn’t remember if Biden brought up the Logan act but she testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee that he didn’t influence the Flynn Investigation.

As far as I know she hasn’t been tested either.

Election Hopes and Conspiracy Theories

election hopes, conspiracy theories
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President Trump’s election hopes probably weren’t helped Saturday night. He spoke to a lot of empty seats at the BOK (Bank of Oklahoma) center in Tulsa.

Joe Biden’s having better luck in his basement. A New York Times / Sienna College Poll put’s him ahead of Trump by 14 points.

Peter Nicholas fantasizes in the Atlantic about life if Trump goes all “resistance” and refuses to accept the election results..

And Politico takes a deep dive into Trumpian conspiracy theories. The Steele Dossier pee tape didn’t make the cut.

FBI Gets no Bite at Apple on Terrorist’s Phone

Apple, fbi, iPhone
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The FBI got no bite from Apple when it fished for help to break into a terrorist’s iPhone. The company turned over cloud information but couldn’t, or wouldn’t crack the phone.

And AG Barr is pissed:

“Thanks to the great work of the FBI — and no thanks to Apple — we were able to unlock Alshamrani’s phones,” Barr said in a press release.



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