Category Archives: 2012 presidential campaign

Final Vote

Chip Bok cartoon with an old man and lady walking to the poll for their last chance to vote

2012 early voting, absentee voting, election day voting – it’s over! Let the lawyering begin.

Who will be the Next President?

Vote early in the latest Bokbluster poll!

Bokbluster voters determined the president did go on an apology tour by a vote of 142 to 92 in an earlier Bokbluster poll.

Biden Bin Laden Benghazi

With his trademark big smile, Vice President Biden makes some pithy remarks at the podium

Here’s Biden’s surprisingly pithy remark. And here’s Hillary saying of Libyan dictator Gadhafi, “We came. We saw. He died.”


Update: I incorrectly identified Cindy Sheehan’s son, Casey, as a Marine in the original version of this cartoon. Sorry for the error.

As I watched Meet the Press Sunday morning, Carly Fiorina was answering a question about the election and tried to drag in a point about the Benghazi attack. David Gregory pulled her up short, saying he’d get to that later. Except that he never did. Neither did any of the other Sunday shows.

I got the idea for this cartoon from this IBD editorial, noting the lack of a Benghazi media feeding frenzy. Here’s a column by David Ignatius about weak Benghazi coverage. And here’s a CBS report by Sharyl Attkisson that proves the exception to the idea Fox has a monopoly on the story.

Rise of the Oceans

Political cartoon of Obama and Chris Christie flying over the hurricane sandy aftermath in a helicopter

After being dissed by New York Mayor Bloomberg, the president took Chris Christie on a helicopter ride over the mess left by hurricane Sandy.

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