Category Archives: Media
Rake Trouble on Democrat Resistance March
The rake has turned. And President Trump’s acquittal was the final indignity on the Democrats’ long march to impeachment. Every step of the way seemed to backfire on the party elite.
The resistance first schemed to rid itself of its tiresome president with the emoluments clause. Next up was the 25th amendment. And then on to the Russian Collusion conspiracy. But still unable to prove the president of the United States was a Russian spy, they followed Joe Biden into the 2020 campaign. Only to step in it in Iowa as Bernie emerged from the meltdown.
Chinese Virus Emergency
The World Health Organization wants to ban Chinese virus exports. So this week it officially designated the coronavirus outbreak a public-health emergency.
But also this week, Boris Johnson gave the official o.k. for the U.K. to import Huawei G5 networking technology.
And that doesn’t sit well with Boris’s best buddy Donald Trump. Last May Trump issued his own national emergency, essentially banning Huawei in America.
Another Chinese Virus?
Secretary of State Pompeo believes China spies through Huawei networks. He’s in London to welcome Brexit but “warned that the Chinese Communist party did not have “a technical back door to Huawei. They have the front door.”
Jeff Bezos iPhone Hack by Saudi Prince Mystery
The WSJ (paywall) reports that an outfit named FTI Consulting thinks Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman hacked Jeff Bezos iPhone. The firm has “medium to high confidense” that the prince did the deed through a WhatsApp account.
Saudi officials call the allegation absurd.
Peacenik Gun Law March in Virginia
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam is defending the state senate’s Red Flag gun law. He was last seen defending late term abortions and apologizing for wearing blackface.
But many Virginians seem to think Northam has his ban impulse backwards. And about 20,000 of them marched in protest of the gun law.
That set off a minor media hysteria about white supremacist gun violence. But the armed marchers behaved and even cleaned up their trash.
Which didn’t stop the senate from passing the bill anyway.
Bernie Sanders Gets Treatment From CNN
Some people on both sides of the aisle think Bernie Sanders got set up by The Most Trusted Name in News at the CNN debate last week.
Here’s correspondent Abby Phillip asking the “when did you stop beating your wife” question:
“Sen. Sanders, CNN reported yesterday, and Sen. Warren confirmed in a statement, that in 2018 you told her that you did not believe that a woman could win the election. Why did you say that?”
And Here’s Bernie’s response:
“I don’t want to waste a whole lot of time on this, because this is what Donald Trump and maybe some of the media want,” Sanders added. “Anybody knows me knows that it’s incomprehensible that I would think that a woman cannot be president of the United States.
And here’s Abby Phillip’s next question to Senator Warren:
“Sen. Warren, what did you think when Sen. Sanders told you a woman could not win the election?”