Category Archives: Uncle Sam

Education Bubble

Students and their parents are nearly a trillion dollars in hock over college tuition according to the WSJ.




JP Morgan lost not quite as much as the federal government borrows in a day.

Man Boob

Swinger Newt brought the crowd to its feet by trashing the government culture of dependency.


S&P downgraded the U.S. today. Kind of. It’s not that they don’t think we’re exceptional. They’re just starting to wonder if we can pay our bills.

Poetic Justice

Looks like Congress is going to have to balance the budget one Cowboy Poetry Festival at a time. That’s where Harry Reid has drawn his budget cut line in the sand.

Or as Mark Steyn put it,

Once upon a time, the cowboy embodied the rugged individualism of the frontier. In Harry Reid’s world, he embodies dependency without end.

Here’s the rundown in The Week.

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