Category Archives: Health

Decisions, Decisions for the Big 10

decisions for the big 10, Ohio State, Michigan, football
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More decisions for the Big 10.

The Ohio State-Michigan game won’t be played for the first time since 1917. Then it was WW I. Now it’s Covid 19.

The Big Ten announced a schedule in August but cancelled the season five days later. But then it noticed everybody else was playing so it reversed course.

They Buckeyes have only played five games and they’re undefeated. But the conference required a minimum of six games to qualify for the Big 10 championship.

No problem, the league decided to change that rule too. Ohio State will play Northwestern on Dec. 19 for the Big 10 championship.

It’s all very upsetting to Dabo Swinney.

Dogsled Teams Reached Warp Speed in 1925

dogsled teams, antitoxin, epidemic, nome, warp speed
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Dogsled teams rushed antitoxin serum across the Alaskan wilderness to reach Nome in record time in 1925. They made a trip that normally takes 25 days in less than six and saved the town from a diphtheria epidemic.

America went ape over the dogs. A statue of Balto, a lead dog, still stands in New York’s Central Park. Balto also played the lead in a 1995 animated feature.

But it turns out Balto may be the Rosie Ruiz of the sled dog set. Another dog, Togo, led the team through the most treacherous stretch while Balto led the last leg to the finish.


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Biden Booted After Losing Round with Major

biden booted, walking boot, foot fracture
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Joe Biden was booted after suffering a hairline foot fracture while playing with his dog Major. He’ll be wearing an orthopedic walking boot for a few weeks. But not the enormous plaster cast I drew. It’s tough to fit “Happy 25th Amendment” on a dinky boot.

Speaking of that, was this one small step for a 78 year old white guy, and one giant leap for an ambitious women of color? Who knows? But I don’t get many chances to sign plaster casts these days.

Gavin Newsom Unmasked in French Laundry

gavin newsom, unmasked, french laundry
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California Governor Gavin Newsom wants to be the boss of you. But he’s not a very good boss of himself. He showed up at The French Laundry restaurant in wine country to celebrate a birthday without a mask. And he partied there with a dozen friends. But he got busted breaking his own rules. And now the governor is very sorry.


Don’t be like Gavin. Go here for your holiday mask needs!

Dark Side of Shutdowns and a Dark Winter

dark side of shutdowns, virus, vaccine

The dark side of shutdowns includes drugs, depression and suicide. Meanwhile, Joe Biden is warning of a dark winter as a third wave of the virus washes over the earth. Is there light at the end of the tunnel? Could be. Moderna and Pfizer have come with 95% effective vaccines in record time. Distribution could begin in deep dark December.

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