Category Archives: 2016 presidential campaign

Thank You For Spying


Eric Holder’s Justice Department threatened Fox News Reporter James Rosen as a co-conspirator under the espionage act. Except Holder never really intended to charge Rosen. It was all a pretext to spy on his phone calls and emails to find out who in the government was leaking information to him.

The Obama administration also spied on the phone records of Associated Press journalists.

More Spying

And of course they lied about spying on us too.

This week Joy Behar, of all people, outed James Clapper for spying on the Trump campaign. Clapper claimed Trump should be happy about this because his agent was really spying on Russians.

The Washington Post and New York Times find this explanation perfectly reasonable.




Hillary’s Russian Hat

Russian Hat

Hillary put on a Russian hat during her Yale class day speech.

Michael Cohen Swamp Fox

swamp fox

Looks like Michael Cohen could afford to pay Stormy Daniels $130,000. Though, based on past behavior, I wonder if he first tried to sell her access to the president for a future “encounter.”

Swamp Fox

According to The Hill he tried to hit up the Qatari government for a cool million in exchange for access. Also on Cohen’s client access list were Novartis and ATT.

It’s the way of the swamp. But not illegal.

Mueller’s Boundaries

Federal Judge T.S. Ellis said on Friday that Robert Mueller has exceeded his boundaries.

He also gave the Justice Department two weeks to come up with an unredacted copy of Deputy AG Rosenstein’s memos authorizing the special counsel. So far the Justice Department has kept most of the memo explaining the boundaries of Mueller’s investigation under wraps.


The Daily Caller thinks this could be a nightmare for Mueller.

Or not so much says Judge Napolitano.

Rocky Rudy Defense

rocky rudy defense

In a kind of weird series of events Rudy Giuliani took over President Trump’s legal defense. And he allowed that Trump knew Michael Cohen paid $130,000 to Stormy Daniels. Not only that, Trump paid him back.

Rocky Rudy Defense

Rudy apparently was attempting to show the payment was personal and not a campaign contribution. But yesterday Trump tried to walk back his comments.

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