Category Archives: Corruption

Lincoln Project Swamp Creatures get Rich Quick

Lincoln project

The Lincoln Project’s Band of Brothers—initially four financially strapped, embittered middle-aged white male Washington insiders—lectured the country that those few, those happy few, that band of brothers would fight for us. If only they were adequately funded, they could save us from the moral turpitude of four more years of Trump.

Victor Davis Hanson, American Greatness

Professor Hanson above is describing four establishment Republican campaign consultants dedicated to defeating Trump and electing Joe Biden.

Donors and lucrative on-line anti-Trump ads solved the inadequate funding problem by raising ninety million dollars. But half of that went to firms run by the founders.

And as for moral turpitude, twenty-one men accused Lincoln Project co-founder John Weaver of sexual harassment.

Co-founder George Conway is calling for an investigation. His wife is former Trump counselor Kelleyanne Conway.

And another co-founder, Steve Schmidt, has pulled out.

Biden Family Swamp Home

Biden family, swamp, home
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University of Chicago Professor Charles Lipson says Biden family corruption matters:

…But that doesn’t mean the scandals are irrelevant. They matter politically for several reasons, all of them bad for Joe Biden. They imply the following:

  • Biden is just another grifting politician who got rich in office;
  • Uncle Joe’s persona as average, lower-middle class guy is just a cover story;
  • His self-enrichment makes him the “Washington Swamp” incarnate, no different from all the other politicians turned lobbyists; and
  • The media is so crooked it won’t honestly tell the public about these problems, lest they vote the wrong way.

These issues are not a distraction from Trump’s central campaign themes. They are his campaign themes and have been since he came down that Trump Tower escalator in 2015 to announce his improbable candidacy.

What the Heck is Unmasking Anyway?

unmasking, michael flynn
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What the heck is unmasking anyway?

Our government spies on foreigners all the time but not its own citizens –theoretically. So while eavesdropping on a Russian ambassador is ok, it’s not ok to spy on the guy at the other end of the call, if he’s an American citizen. So, in order to protect that guy, his information is “masked.” (Bokbluster was on this in 2017)

As it happens, the guy on the other end of Russian Ambassador Kislyak’s call was Trump’s incoming Trump National Security advisor Michael Flynn. And it turns out, dozens of members of the Obama administration, including Joe Biden, unmasked him.

President Trump Spikes Lt. Col. Vindman

Vindman, Trump, spike, NCS, National Security Council
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The Senate acquitted President Trump and he spiked the ball. And the first spikee was national security council staffer Lt. Col. Vindman.

However, former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly says Lt. Col. Vindman did the right thing when he outed The President’s “perfect” Ukraine phone call.

“He did exactly what we teach them to do from cradle to grave,” Kelly told the audience at the Mayo Performing Arts Center. “He went and told his boss what he just heard.”

Vindman National Security Council Staff

But junior staffer Rich Higgins sees it differently. He says the NSC was filled with Obama holdovers and Never Trumpers.

I was shocked to find that resistance seemed to be the NSC’s mission.

So he reported that to his boss. But with different results than Vindman.

Nobody called me a “whistleblower” or demanded an investigation. Congress didn’t invite me to testify.

Instead, they fired him.

Ballot Box Can’t be Trusted, Says Adam Schiff

Adam Schiff, ballot box, rigged election, our Democracy, Trump cheats
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Adam Schiff made the case against democracy at the Senate impeachment trial last week.

The president’s misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box, for we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won,” he said

A rigged election? In that case we have to impeach Trump before he wins again.

It takes a Village

Reminded me of the Vietnam quote, “It became necessary to destroy the village to save it.

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