No Love from Biden for Trump Vaccine Effort

Trump vaccine effort, biden, behind the gym

President Biden isn’t showing his predecesor any love for the vaccines that have the pandemic on the run. Donald Trump flogged Operation Warp Speed. It was a Manhattan Project style effort to find a vaccine. Trump’s overexposure to daily press conferences may have killed his re-election. But Warp Speed was a big success.

Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson developed, tested and jabbed vaccines into people’s arms in less than a year. It’s a process that normally takes many years.

Trump Vaccine Effort

President Biden’s response? “We inherited a mess.” Biden said that when he took office there was no plan for a vaccine rollout. And he bragged that he would ramp up to 100 million vaccines in his first hundred days. But the country was already vaccinating almost 1 million per day when he took office. And President Biden himself had already received his two shots by then.

Don’t Shout Fire in a Crowded Theater Book Burning

Don't shout fire, book burning

Until recently restrictions on free speech seemed pretty straight forward – don’t shout “fire” in a crowded theater. But times have changed. Now you must not offend anyone in the theater either.

Dr. Marty Markay of Johns Hopkins wrote an op-ed in the WSJ explaining why we might reach herd immunity in April. Facebook apparently knows better and flagged the article as “misleading.”

Last summer the NYT booted its opinion page editor for publishing an op-ed by U.S. Senator Tom Cotton. Cotton wanted troops to put down rioting brought on by George Floyd’s death in police custody last summer. Since then armed troops and razor wire have become the preferred approach around our nation’s capitol.

Then there’s the Times treatment of Don McNeil, Amazon’s censorship of Ryan T. Anderson’s When Harry Became Sally, Dr. Seuss, Mr. Potato Head, Pepe Le Pew and you know the rest.

There’s not much that’s written or drawn that someone won’t find offensive, so we’re burning it all. But don’t shout “fire.”

Royal Pains in Queen Oprah’s Court

Royal Pains

Royal pains Harry and Meghan showed up at Queen Oprah’s court on CBS Sunday. The free agents, formerly known as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, dissed management at their former gig with the Windsor franchise.

Their efforts to market the Sussex Royal brand apparently didn’t sit well with previous owner Queen Elizabeth II. However, they’ve come to the right place. Cashing in is always welcome with American royalty.

According to the WSJ Queen Oprah raked in $7 to $9 million for rights to the interview.

Look on the Bright Side, Governor Cuomo

bright side governor cuomo

Is there a bright side to sexual harassment for Governor Cuomo? As more women pile on the charges, could public memory of nursing home deaths fade?

Transgender Equity Order and Inequality in Sports

transgender equality, Women's sports

President Biden signed Executive Order 13988 guaranteeing transgender equality. The order also makes it easier for biological males identifying as female to compete in women’s sports. But the best high school boys routinely outperform the world’s best women in track and field. And that’s not a good look for Title IX.

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