Search Results for: inauguration

By The Book

by the book

Susan Rice didn’t let the door hit her on the way out of the White House. Instead she sent herself an email.

It was time stamped 12:15 pm January 21 –  the day of President Trump’s inauguration. And her self-message recapped a January 5 meeting President Obama held with top staffers.

By the Book

In that meeting Obama instructed his staff on the transfer of information to the new administration. Or the non-transfer of information as National Review’s Andrew McCarthy suspects.

At any rate, Susan Rice let the record show that President Obama insisted it be done “by the book.”

Trump’s Brief Inaugural Speech

inaugural speech

Two things I liked about Trump’s inaugural speech. He only used the word “I” three times. And it was short – 16 minutes.

John Kass in the Chicago Tribune wrote, “This wasn’t a smooth-talking politician inviting us to climb aboard his fancy word ship for a voyage beyond the stars. He did not call upon the angels. Instead, he spoke in dark tones to the forgotten man.”

It was that beginning that was astonishing, his declaration of war on the establishment, especially as they all sat there with him, with former Presidents Carter and Bush and Clinton and Obama looking on, outgoing first lady Michelle Obama frowning, Hillary Clinton icy and distant.

Bush bobbed his head and smiled as if in pain. Bill Clinton’s eyes were two frozen blue grapes, locked in a thousand-yard stare. But what he was looking at inside his own head, I wouldn’t ever want to know.

Inaugural Speech

Kass, among others, called the speech Jacksonian. But large parts of it could have been given by Bernie Sanders, “Why go to war when we can use that money building freeways at home?”

As they stood together on the capitol steps, I was struck by Barack Obama’s elegance. Maybe it was the crease in his pants, but it stood in contrast to Trump’s, um, Trumpian appearance.

BBC (click image for link)

But Obama was no match for Melania.

Should be an interesting four years.

Dow Poll


The Dow fell 332 points on inauguration day,  382 points when Geithner unveiled his bank plan, and the index dropped 298 points on the signing of the economic stimulus package.

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