Category Archives: War on Terror

iPhone Smarter Than Uncle Sam

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Michael Hayden, the former head of the NSA, is on Apple’s side in the fight over cracking the iPhone of dead terrorist Syed Rizwan Farook. So is Ted Olson, former Solicitor General for George W. Bush. His wife was killed in the original 9/11 attack.

iPhone Smarter Than Uncle Sam

The FBI says Apple’s reluctance to co-operate is a marketing stunt. The government’s computers can be hacked but the government can’t hack Apple’s phone.

Seems hard to blame Apple for wanting us to know about it.


Donald the Truther


The Donald is now The Truther. He blames Bush for 9/11.

I like Trump because he’s politically incorrect. That doesn’t mean he’s getting a valuable Bokbluster endorsement, but as a cartoonist you gotta admire anybody with the guts to take on the pc movement. Well, maybe not all cartoonists feel that way.

Anyway, birthers believe Obama is a foreign born Muslim and ineligible to be president. His father was a foreign born Muslim (according to some, that makes Barack an apostate eligible for beheading) but he has a Hawaiian birth certificate and an American mother. Cruz was born in Canada of an American mother and Cuban father.

Donald the Truther

Truthers believe 9/11 was an inside job. Trump claims it was Bush’s fault because because he didn’t act on intelligence to prevent the attack. The 9/11 commission says that’s not so. Further, the Clinton administration had established a wall between the FBI and CIA that prevented information sharing that might have helped prevent the attack.

Sanctions on Iran

160115-sanctions on iranIt’s unclear what happened to the American sailors caught and released by Iran.

First it was a mechanical problem, now a GPS malfunction is blamed for sending the ships off course. No matter. Sixty-five percent in the Real Clear Politics average of polls think the whole country is headed in the wrong direction.

The sailors apologized, were fed, cried, humiliated, and released. John Kerry thanked the Iranians.

Sanctions on Iran

Sanctions on Iran were to end today under terms of the nuclear deal.

Trump Triad

151217-trump-triadeThe Donald may not know much about the nuclear triad but he’s created his own Trump triad for dealing with ISIS. He wants to ban immigration for Muslims, close the internet for ISIS, and take out terrorist families.

Trump Triad

For his part, fellow Republican front runner Ted Cruz channeled his inner Curtis LeMay and promised to carpet bomb ISIS until the sand glows in the dark.

Cruz has been playing nice to Trump, even after Trump called him a maniac. During the CNN Las Vegas debate Trump rewarded Cruz’s good behavior by saying he has a wonderful temperament.

Vetting Process

151216-vetting-processYou may be wondering about the vetting process that allowed killer mom Tashfeen Malik to slip into the US from Pakistan. Molly Hemmingway, in The Federalist, says Malik’s U.S. visa application included theses questions:

  • “Are you a member or representative of a terrorist organization?”
  • “Have you ever ordered, incited, committed, assisted or otherwise participated in genocide?”
  • “Have you ever committed, ordered, incited, assisted or otherwise participated in torture?

The New York Times also reported on Dec 12 that “she talked openly on social media about her views on violent jihad”. The feds were never aware of it.

Vetting Process

Yesterday, Dec 16, FBI director James Comey said Tashfeen did not post about jihad on social media. Here’s the story in The LA Times.

Now you may be wondering about the vetting process at …


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