Category Archives: Impeachment

President Trump Spikes Lt. Col. Vindman

Vindman, Trump, spike, NCS, National Security Council
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The Senate acquitted President Trump and he spiked the ball. And the first spikee was national security council staffer Lt. Col. Vindman.

However, former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly says Lt. Col. Vindman did the right thing when he outed The President’s “perfect” Ukraine phone call.

“He did exactly what we teach them to do from cradle to grave,” Kelly told the audience at the Mayo Performing Arts Center. “He went and told his boss what he just heard.”

Vindman National Security Council Staff

But junior staffer Rich Higgins sees it differently. He says the NSC was filled with Obama holdovers and Never Trumpers.

I was shocked to find that resistance seemed to be the NSC’s mission.

So he reported that to his boss. But with different results than Vindman.

Nobody called me a “whistleblower” or demanded an investigation. Congress didn’t invite me to testify.

Instead, they fired him.

Folly of Adam Schiff’s Trump Impeachment Effort

Alaska, Schiff's folly, Seward's folly, Russia, Adam Schiff, Kushner, Mar-a-Lago, Trump, Putin
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Alaska became a U.S. possession thanks to Seward’s folly. Secretary of State William Seward bought Alaska from Russia for seven million dollars in 1867. And outraged House Republicans trashed the transaction, calling it “Seward’s folly.”

Then they impeached Seward’s boss, President Andrew Johnson. But the Senate acquitted Johnson by one vote.

Now Adam Schiff worries that President Trump will sell Alaska back to Putin. Not to mention turning the White House over to Jared Kushner and bugging out to Mar-a-Lago.

Rake Trouble on Democrat Resistance March

Democrat, Rake, president, impeachment, iowa, russia collusion, 25th amendment, emoluments
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The rake has turned. And President Trump’s acquittal was the final indignity on the Democrats’ long march to impeachment. Every step of the way seemed to backfire on the party elite.

The resistance first schemed to rid itself of its tiresome president with the emoluments clause. Next up was the 25th amendment. And then on to the Russian Collusion conspiracy. But still unable to prove the president of the United States was a Russian spy, they followed Joe Biden into the 2020 campaign. Only to step in it in Iowa as Bernie emerged from the meltdown.


Caucus Clown Car at Senate Impeachment Trial

Senate Impeachment Hearing, Senators Sanders Warren Klobuchar, Iowa Caucus Campaign. Caucus chaos
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Senate impeachment trial hostages Sanders, Warren and Klobuchar face a dilemma. Closing arguments are tomorrow, but so are the Iowa Caucuses. And the final vote on whether to toss Trump is Wednesday.

More Caucus Chaos

And the Des Moines Register further complicated things by canceling the release of its “gold standard” poll Saturday night. Somebody left Pete Buttigieg out as a possible preferred candidate.

Meanwhile, back in Washington, the president delivers his State of the Union speech on Tuesday.

And, since the Senate voted 51-49 to block more impeachment trial witness testimony on Friday, Republicans now say they have the votes to acquit on Wednesday.

Ballot Box Can’t be Trusted, Says Adam Schiff

Adam Schiff, ballot box, rigged election, our Democracy, Trump cheats
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Adam Schiff made the case against democracy at the Senate impeachment trial last week.

The president’s misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box, for we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won,” he said

A rigged election? In that case we have to impeach Trump before he wins again.

It takes a Village

Reminded me of the Vietnam quote, “It became necessary to destroy the village to save it.

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