Category Archives: budget
Fiscal Cliff Clown Car
As for the Fiscal Cliff, the President’s latest position is tax hikes now spending cuts later. Krauthammer thinks Lee got a better offer than that at Appomattox.
Fiscal Cliff
Flipping the Big Bird
It turns out Big Bird is a Fat Cat.
Sesame Street has asked the Obama campaign to pull down an ad giving the Bird to Romney.
Neil Armstrong
Not that I have anything against 90 inch HD flat screens. It’s just that it was so cool to watch the old tube as Neil Armstrong stepped onto the lunar surface (or the Arizona desert, if you’re so inclined) and then to go outside and look at the moon and comprehend that he was really there. The technology that put a man on the moon now seems kind of primitive, yet no one has been back in 30 years.
Wikipedia has a chart (sourced to OMB) that shows NASA’s budget, as a percentage of federal spending, peaked at 4.41% in 1966 while 2011 spending was down to .53%