Category Archives: budget

Trump Schumer Deal

trump schumer deal

The Trump Schumer deal came to pass this week. Chuck Schumer made an offer to increase the debt ceiling for three months. And Donald Trump took him up on it.

Swamp dwelling Republicans were aghast. Earlier in the day Paul Ryan had blasted the same offer as “ridiculous and disgraceful”.

Trump Schumer Deal

But then Republicans haven’t had much luck closing deals for Trump. Obamacare still stands and Trump outpolls Congress.

Mark Steyn says, “there are now three political parties in Washington.” Democrats, Republicans, and Trump. The Democrats have a base. Trump has a base. Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan don’t have a base.

Killing Children

killing children

New York Mayor DeBlasio elevated the threat level from killing Big Bird to killing children.

Killing Children

Meanwhile, terrorists in Manchester actually did kill children.

Eviscerating ObamaCare

eviscerating obamacare

When President Obama met with party leaders in 2009 Eric Cantor pitched some ideas for the stimulus bill. The president responded, “Elections have consequences and, at the end of the day, I won.” The 800 billion dollar stimulus went on to pass with three Republican votes. And ObamaCare rammed its way through Congress without any Republican support. At the time Democrats controlled the White House, Senate, and House.

Eviscerating ObamaCare

Now that the worm has turned Republicans are committed to eviscerating ObamaCare. But they’re divided over how to do the deed.

The program has never been popular with voters. A new Rasmussen survey finds that only 12% of voters want to keep it as it is. However 56% want the law improved piece by piece. Only 30% want to see the program immediately brought to room temperature.

Yellen Takes Off Training Wheels

151218-YellenJanet Yellen took the training wheels off the economy on Wednesday. After seven years of near zero percent interest rates, the Fed hiked rates a quarter percent.

Meanwhile, Congress passed a 2,000 page, 1.2 trillion dollar budget. That tacked another 157 billion onto the 18.5 trillion dollar national debt.


On Friday the Dow dropped 370 points.

David Stockman says, “sell the bonds, sell the stocks, sell the house”. IBD wonders if the markets know something the Fed doesn’t.

Kasich Fantasy

151030-kasich-fantasyOhio governor John Kasich is trying to position himself as the grownup in the Republican free-for-all. He has solid credentials. He’s a two term governor of a swing state with a 2 billion budget surplus. He was chairman of the House Budget Committee when the federal budget was last balanced in 1997.

It’s an impressive resume, and he’s impressed by it.

Kasich Fantasy

Kasich does not take The Donald or The Doctor (Ben Carson) seriously. They annoy him.

In Wednesday’s debate he called the various Trump and Carson immigration and tithing tax plans a fantasy. Given the hostility of the CNBC moderators you’d think someone might have picked up on the theme. Instead they asked about fantasy football.

Speaking of fantasy, this morning’s Real Clear Politics poll average has Trump at 27, Carson at 22.2, and Kasich at 2.2.



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