Category Archives: 2012 presidential campaign

White House Tour


130309whitehousetour_schoolsThere may not be any White House access for the kids who want a spring break tour. But there’s plenty to go around for Obama cronies who want to drop by and drop off cash under the perpetual campaign operation known as Organizing for Action. Kimberly Strassel of the WSJ thinks the president has “jumped the sequester” on this one.

What Difference Does It Make?!


President Obama takes credit for killing Bin Laden. He claimed al Qaeda was “on it’s heels“.When an al Qaeda allied group killed Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi the white house blamed it on an obscure internet video. The video maker went to jail and Obama got re-elected. What difference does it make?

Here’s a David Ignatius analysis of “al Qaeda 2.0”.

Name Calling


President Obama’s re-election campaign didn’t defend his first term economic record. It called Romney names, like bullshitter, felon, wife killer, and tax deadbeat.

But, with his inaugural speech the president has put the campaign behind him, and he hopes you have too. ..“For now decisions are upon us, and we cannot afford delay. We cannot mistake absolutism for principle, or substitute spectacle for politics, or treat name-calling as reasoned debate.”



Robert Bork died late this year. He was a distinguished scholar. One of his many distinctions included having a last name as a verb form – “to bork”. The good judge was borked by Joe Biden and Ted Kennedy during senate hearings on his nomination to the supreme court.

The late senator from Chappaquiddick claimed, “Robert Bork’s America” was a place where “women would be forced into back alley abortions and blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters.” A more circumspect Biden would wait 25 years before claiming they would be seated in chains.

Lied and Died

Judge Kessler: Mr. Tobacco, I want you to say you deceived the public and caused people to die... you too, Obama

Federal judge Gladys Kessler last week ordered tobacco companies to admit, on every pack of cigarettes, that they deceived the public and caused death with their product.

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