Category Archives: Media

A Look Bok 2018

Bokbluster 2018 Cartoon Review

Here’s a look back at Bok 2018. Click on a cartoon for a reminder of what it was all about. Then hit the back button to return here.

russian hooker, american porn star, steele dossier

Michael Cohen, swamp fox, Stormy Daniels

Helsinki conference, Trump, Putin

Bok, Harley Davidson, Wall

Churchill, collusion, Stalin

National Economic Council, Kudlow, Dollar, Trade War, Fed

tesla, musk, private, s.e.c.

mainstream media, collude, denounce trump

Manafort Money, Manafort prison, Manafort ostrich skin

John McCain, obit

brett kavenaugh, anatomically correct judge doll

rachel mitchell, brett kavenaugh,

Saudis, Kashoggi


Elon Musk, bong, sec

migrant caravan, mexico

Pelosi, house

florida, election

media, acosta, thanksgiving turkey, pardon

computer speed trap

saudi, trump

steel subsidy, tariff, trump

bush, obit

Public political bickering, mexican wall, oval office, pelosi, Trump, Schumer

Christine Blasey Ford Presents Award


fed grinch

Syria pullout, mattis, isis

sears, new year

Sports Illustrated Too

Christine Blasey Ford Presents Award
Click the image to enlarge

Christine Blasey Ford Presents Award

The publisher of the popular Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue gave its Inspiration of the Year award to Rachael Denhollander. Rachel was the first to accuse Dr. Larry Nasser of sexually abusing her as a young gymnast under his care. And over 150 other other victims came forward to corroborate her story.

Here testimony put Dr. Nasser in prison for 175 years. And his employer, Michigan State University, paid $500 million in settlements to 332 victims. Vox has has an in depth story of what happened here.

Christine Blasey Ford Presents Award

Christine Blasey Ford made a video presentation of the award. She claims to be a victim too. She accused Judge Brett Kavanaugh of molesting her at a high school party. But no one corroborated her story. Nor could she remember when or where the alleged assault happened or how she got there or got home.

Judge Kavanaugh was put on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Press Pass Conference

press pass

Please click on a self-absorbed media personality to enlarge the image.

Jim Acosta is back. A judge says the White House didn’t follow due process when it yanked his press pass So, the White House complied and gave it back.

Amazon Tax Breaks

amazon tax breaks jeff bezos

Click Bezos to enlarge the image.

Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world, just got $2 billion in tax breaks to move his company to New York and Washington, DC. The L.A. Times says Amazon played American cities for suckers.

When Civility Can Start Again


Click a pachyderm or a donkey to enlarge.

“That’s why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength.”

“You can be civil but you can’t overcome what they do unless you win elections.” – Hillary Clinton



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