Category Archives: cartoons

Democratic Resistance

Democratic Resistance

Click the dynamite to enlarge.

AP reported that the Brett Kavanaugh Senate hearings touched off more Democratic resistance.

Democrats don’t have the votes to block Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. But that didn’t stop them from putting up a rowdy, leave-nothing-on-the-table fight during four days of Senate confirmation hearings that marked a new stage in the party’s resistance to President Donald Trump.

Not Innocent Until Proven Guilty

Then the Christine Blasey Ford sexual assault allegations surfaced. And Dems insisted she had to be believed. They also denied that she had a burden of proof because “it’s a hearing not a trial.”

An angry WSJ editorial responded that, “If “J’Accuse” is the new standard of proof, then we have a long list of Democrats who should be summarily dismissed from public life.”

Anatomically Correct Memories


anatomically correct

Click the judge doll to enlarge

Judge Kavanaugh’s accusers have memory gaps. But that’s not surprising considering their allegations are thirty-something years old. So Deborah Ramirez consulted with a lawyer for six days to clear her head. And only then was she comfortable retrieving the memory of Brett Kavanaugh’s long dong silver in her face.

Which brought to mind the child daycare hysteria cases, also from the 1980’s. (Not to say Deborah Ramirez is hysterical.) But therapists in those cases used anatomically correct dolls to coerce very young children to recover “repressed” memories of satanic ritual sex abuse.

Btw, this isn’t my first anatomically correct rodeo.

Kavanaugh’s Answers

Kavanaugh's Answers

Click the handmaid to enlarge the cartoon.

Self proclaimed liberal feminist lawyer Lisa Blatt introduced her friend Brett Kavanaugh yesterday. And Senate Judiciary members finally got around to asking him questions. And Judge Kavanaugh’s answers seemed reasonable enough.

He insisted he judges cases only on the merits, the Constitution and precedent.

But that’s just the thing that drives most Democrats crazy says Seth Lipsky in the NY Sun. He claims, “that’s because they know the only thing that can stop them is a constitutionally conservative court.””



Click a donkey to enlarge

Democrats are trying to keep their impeachment hopes under the radar. For example, Jimmy Carter’s not talking about it and he says you shouldn’t either. Besides, other Democratic leaders like Nancy Pelosi worry impeachment talk could backfire.

But former Labor Secretary Robert Reich has a different approach. He doesn’t want impeachment talk either. In fact he doesn’t want Trump impeached at all.

He wants the election annulled.

Free Press Group-Think

Free Press Group-Think

The Boston Globe organized an editorial writing campaign last week. The idea was for independent newspapers to tell Trump to stop calling them “the enemy of the people.” All on the same day.

Three hundred plus papers including the New York Times obliged.

Some of the editorials also complained about Trump calling the media an “opposition party.” But here’s Jim Rutenberg in the NY Times two years ago:

If you view a Trump presidency as something that’s potentially dangerous, then your reporting is going to reflect that. You would move closer than you’ve ever been to being oppositional.

Free Press Group-Think

Others like the Los Angeles Times and Washington Post took a pass on the campaign. Carl Cannon in Real Clear Politics called the joint effort “group-think.” And he recalled H.L. Menken’s journalistic advice to “be a party of one.”

Jack Shafer in Politico added this bit of advice:

Editorial pages of America, don’t unite! Think for yourselves! Reject this stupid pro-press assignment!

He also agreed with Cannon that the whole scheme played into Trump’s tiny hands. (Okay, he didn’t really say “tiny.”)

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