Category Archives: cartoons

Half Baked Near Treachery

150313-half-baked-near-treacheryForty-six Republican senators have signed a letter written by freshman Senator Tom Cotton to the leaders of Iran. The letter explains that the nuclear deal President Obama is negotiating is non-binding and won’t survive after he leaves office.

For that breech of etiquette foreign policy expert Leslie Gelb, in a Daily Beast column, says “Republicans hate Obama more than a nuclear Iran”. He calls the letter an act of “near treachery”. (On the other hand, in January he demanded that Obama fire his staff and meet with Senate leaders.)

Fellow foreign policy expert, David Ignatius, says the Senators’ letter is “Grossly irresponsible”.

Michael Gerson thinks the letter is a “half baked” scheme brought on by Obama cutting the Senate out of the process.

Mark Thiessen says it’s not a big deal because it’s all happened before – and he was part of it.

Carl M. Cannon thinks calling the Senators traitors is “beyond Orwellian”.

And Molly Hemingway, in The Federalist, complete with a photo of veteran Tom Cotton holding a kitten while on military duty, calls the whole over-reaction a “media smear”.

Enemy of Your Enemy

150304-enemy-of-your-enemyIranian Revolutionary Guard forces are fighting in Iraq against ISIS. That would be the Islamic Republic vs the Islamic State. President Obama is negotiating a secret nuke deal with the Islamic Republic. Not that this has anything to do with Islam.

In his speech before Congress, Bemjamin Netanyahu reminded his audience that in this case the enemy of your enemy is still your enemy. Many Democrats saw Bibi and Boehner as the enemy and boycotted the speech. Here’s a list of no-shows from IBD.

Charles Krauthammer points out that Netanyahu hinted Israel could live with an agreement if Iran changes is aggressive ways. President Obama, another no-show, dismissed the speech as “nothing new”.



Senate Democrats filibustered a bill that would withhold funding from Homeland Security until the president pulls back his executive order on amnesty for illegal immigrants. Not gonna happen.

Besides, a federal judge in Texas already suspended the Obama order. Republicans must have got the news yesterday. Mitch McConnell caved.

Jeb and Hillary Soaking up Cash


Jeb and Hillary, the consultant class favorites for 2016, are soaking up the cash. The idea being to bleed dry any upstarts like Scott Walker.

David Brock, the gun toting left wing political hit man who runs Media Matters, resigned in a huff from the board of the PAC, Priorities USA Action. Brock claims his enemies leaked this story to the New York Times revealing that he paid a 12.5% commission to Mary Pat Bonner to raise funds for Hillary. So far Bonner has taken a $6 million cut of Hillary’s action.

Apparently commissions are frowned upon in political knife fights.

Update: The Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Foundation now welcomes foreign contributions.

That 70s Show

150117-70sThe going got weird on Friday. 70s icons, musician James Taylor and ‘Nam vet John Kerry, teamed up to soothe hurt feelings in Paris. The hurt feelings stemmed from the Obama administration’s failure to show up for a march in solidarity with those murdered by Islamist thugs at a Charlie Hebdo meeting and at a Kosher food store. Or “parade” as Valerie Jarrett called it.

70s Show

Taking the “better late than never” approach Secretary of State Kerry showed up in Paris 5 days late with Taylor in tow. He actually said he wanted to “share a hug with all of Paris”. Then Taylor serenaded the trapped Parisians with You Got a Friend.

It’s bad enough that jihadis are killing cartoonists. Now the liberal elites are stealing all the jokes. You really can’t make this stuff up. Oxford University Press has ordered its authors not to mention pigs, pork, or bacon so as not to offend Muslims or Jews. Really.

The best I could add to the farce was an imaginary Governor Chris Christie offering to hug France.


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