Category Archives: internet

Benghazi Big Bird

Obama has been claiming that since he killed Bin Laden he has “al Qaeda on its heels”. CBS News” Lara Logan says otherwise. When Ambassador Chris Stevens was murdered in a military style terror attack on 9/11, Obama blamed it on a movie. What really has him sputtering mad are Romney’s “lies” and attacks on public broadcasting.

Romney’s Common Touch

If the polls are right, Romney isn’t connecting with us common folk in Ohio. Michael Kinsley says he is the new Dukakis. Rush says the polls are wrong because they oversample Democrats.

Pre-existing Condition

Romney says he wants to cover pre-existing conditions but he’s having trouble explaining how his plan is the same, but different, from Obama’s.

Race Card

You may add “Chicago” to your list of racist words.

Ron Paul

Paul Ryan gave a great speech full of ideas last night. I’m still combing through it for cartoon ideas. The convention began with a fight over the seating of the other Paul’s delegates from Maine. Ron Paul still has not said if he will vote for Romney.

Other than the Paul delegates, the liveliest people at the convention so far have been deranged, race obsessed, commentators. Chris Mathews insists that talk about food stamps and welfare is a Republican “dog whistle” for playing the race card. Most people on welfare and food stamps are white, so Gingrich blew the whistle on Matthews for assuming they were black.

Yahoo’s Washington bureau chief, David Chalian, topped that by saying the Romney’s are “happy to have a party with black people drowning”. He was fired.


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