Category Archives: internet
What Difference Does It Make?!
President Obama takes credit for killing Bin Laden. He claimed al Qaeda was “on it’s heels“.When an al Qaeda allied group killed Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi the white house blamed it on an obscure internet video. The video maker went to jail and Obama got re-elected. What difference does it make?
Al Gore Jazeera
Al Gore sold Current TV to Al Jazeera last week. Al Jazeera is funded by Qatar, an oil kingdom flush with black gold.
Global Warming believers are fond of accusing deniers of being funded by the oil industry. So when the believers’ true prophet, Al Gore, took a $100 million profit on the sale of Current TV to Al Jazeera it made for an easy cartoon lay-up.
The 2012 Year In Cartoons
I think of Bokbluster as a cartoon wormhole into the news. Here’s a worm’s eye view of the 2012 year in cartoons.
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Caught with Pants Down
In The Washington Free Beacon Matthew Continetti says, “foreign policy crises are metastasizing…And the United States is clueless. Its political class is reeling after its most celebrated general in decades resigned from his post as CIA director when the FBI exposed his affair with a journalist.”
Unlike scandals that bring down blowhard politicians, this one’s no fun for Washington Post editorial page editor Fred Hiatt. He gives an impressive account of the service of generals Petraeus and Allen.