Category Archives: Immigration

Republican Establishment Melt Down

160211-republican-establishmentIn the run-up to the New Hampshire primary Byron York began asking Republican establishment types if they knew anyone who supports Trump. Here’s what he found:

“I don’t know anybody who supports him.” They’re politically active and aware, but they said they have no contact in their daily lives with even a single person who supports their party’s front-runner.

After that conversation, I began to ask everyone I met: Do you know anyone who supports Donald Trump? In more cases than not — actually, in nearly all the cases — the answer was no. I asked one woman Friday night, and she said she hadn’t thought about it. I ran into her the next morning at breakfast, and she said, “That was a good question you asked me last night, and I’ve given it some thought.” And no, she didn’t know any Trump supporters.

…”So what explains the polls?” I asked.”I don’t know.”

Republican Establishment

They never knew what hit them. NPR reports Jeb Bush spent $36 million for 30,000 votes. Trump spent $3 million for 100,000 votes.

David Frum in The Atlantic says, “The angriest and most pessimistic people in America are the people we used to call Middle Americans”.

John Nolte in Breitbart says 32% of Trump’s angry and pessimistic voters in New Hampshire were college grads.

Tucker Carlson, in Politico, sums up the Trump revolt against the Republican establishment as “shocking, vulgar, and right”.

Campaign Economy

160205-economy Daniel Henninger and Robert Samuelson both say the economy should be the main issue in the 2016 campaign. Here’s Henninger:

The Iowa entrance polls reveal that Mr. Trump got 44% of the vote from people who believe immigration is the top issue. Unfortunately, at least in Iowa only 13% think that.

He says 60% of Iowa voters considered “economic concerns” to be the top issue.



Scott Walker Snaps Out

150923-scott-walkerNow there are fifteen.

Scott Walker followed the lead of Rick Perry and shut down his campaign. He said we was helping clear the field so a positive conservative message can rise to the top. Supporters thought he would be the one to deliver that message. Between the Donald and the other candidates in the debates he couldn’t get a word in edgewise.

There are other views.

Michael Barone thinks the Republican party now appeals to people beyond traditional conservatives, libertarians, and evangelicals. That might explain Trump, Fiorina, and Carson. And the demise of Walker.

Mark Steyn called him a “performing seal”.


Refugees Responsibility

150910-denali-refugeesIBD says that McKinley was our first colonialist president. Obama is our first anti-colonialist president. That explains why Mt. Mckinley is now just Denali. Nobody got hurt, except for some feelings here in Ohio.




The unraveling of colonial arrangements in the Middle East has been less benign. Refugees are flooding Europe.

The White House announced yesterday that it would accept 10,000 Syrian refugees in the coming year. John Kerry says the US might take up to 100,000 total refugees this year. A Washington Post editorial complains that’s less than half the number from our last big bug out – Vietnam in the 70’s.


Europe Migration

150901-EuropeEurope is being flooded with illegal immigrants. So far this year 2,400 have died at sea.

Many are Syrian war refugees. Last week in Austria a truck was found packed with 70 dead migrants. It’s believed they suffocated.

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