Category Archives: Israel

Palestinians Restore Middle East Conventional Wisdom

palestinians, abraham accords

Conventional wisdom said there could be no peace in the Middle East until there’s peace with the Palestinians. The Trump Administration did an end run around conventional wisdom and brought peace by signing the Abraham Accords . However, Iranian proxy Hamas had other ideas and fired over 3,300 rockets at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem from Gaza.

Niki Haley’s List

haley's list

The U.N. General Assembly took a vote condemning the United States for moving its embassy to Jerusalem. U.S. Ambassador Nike Haley told them she would be taking names.

Haley’s List

Here’s how they voted: 128 yes, 9 no, 35 abstain.

The U.K. voted yes. Canada abstained.

West Bank Red Line Threat

red line threat

In 2012 President Obama said, “We have been very clear to the Assad regime — but also to other players on the ground — that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized.”

Here’s an Arms Control Association timeline of chemical weapons “moving around or being utilized” in Syria.

When it came time to act on his red line threat, Obama got cold feet. But Russia came to the rescue with a deal to remove and destroy the weapons:

The agreement seems to remove the prospect of any strike against Syria following the chemical attacks in Damascus on 21 August which killed up to 1,300 people.

Putin later entered the war with airstrikes in support of Bashar al Assad. That turned the tide in his favor and unleashed a greater flood of refugees and dead.

With the destruction of Aleppo in December Charles Krauthammer wrote that the Obama administration could offer only bitter speechmaking at the UN:

In the end, the world’s greatest power was reduced to bitter speeches at the U.N. “Are you truly incapable of shame?” thundered U.S. ambassador Samantha Power at the butchers of Aleppo. As if we don’t know the answer.

Red Line Threat

Last week the administration drew a new red line through the West Bank and West Jerusalem for building settlements.

Barack Has Your Back

barack has your back

The UN likes to pick on Israel. But the U.S. usually stands up for its ally by vetoing hostile Security Council resolutions. Last week was different. UN ambassador Samantha Powers ole’d through a resolution condemning Israel for building settlements on the West Bank and in East Jerusalem.

Abstention on the UN vote reflected our values – according to John Kerry.

However, the resolution didn’t reflect the values of Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz. He does not believe Barack has your back:

“It goes right to the heart of Jewish Jerusalem. It says Jews can’t pray at the holiest site in Judaism, they can’t attend Hebrew University,” Dershowitz said, adding that Obama had Israel’s back, but “as a target.”

It won’t be easy for Trump to roll back a Security Council resolution because Russia and China hold veto power. But one thing The Donald could do is cut the United States $3 billion contribution to the UN. That amounts to 20% of all UN funding.

Speaking of having Israel’s back, Bret Stephens says Obama has a habit of helping enemies and back stabbing friends.

Barack Has Your Back

Stanford Professor Victor Davis Hanson thinks Obama has sought to rewrite the traditional approaches to foreign policy.

To paraphrase the Sophoclean code, it is wise to help your friends and hurt your enemies…

Turning the other cheek is the proper New Testament aspiration for individuals to live by, but the Sermon on the Mount is deadly for nations, at least until the nature of man changes…

Diplomacy is like the tax code: Subsidize hostility and you get more hostile actors; tax friendship and you get fewer friends.

Bibi, on the other hand, won’t be turning the other cheek. Or his back.


Last Tango in Brussels

last tango in brussels

President Obama’s been dancing around the Islamic terror threat. He doesn’t want to take the lead. He says the threat isn’t “existential” and more people die in bathtub accidents.

He danced the Tango after the Brussels attacks. He played golf after James Foley was beheaded. John Kerry sent James Taylor to Paris to sing you got a friend after the Charlie Hebdo attacks.

While ISIS is losing ground in the Middle East the WSJ reports interlocking terror cells are growing throughout Europe.

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