Category Archives: Iran

Iran Sucker’s Deal

131112 iran suckers deal very very bad dealThe U.S. negotiated a deal with Iran that would have eased sanctions without requiring them to stop moving toward an atomic bomb. Netanyahu freaked out and hit Kerry on the nose with a rolled up newspaper calling it a “very very bad deal“. The French went a step further calling it a sucker’s deal and killed it.


Unhappy Saudis

131024 unhappy ungrateful saudis obama

I don’t think it’s because he listens to their phone calls (though he probably does), but the dependably ungrateful Saudis have had it with Obama.

They think he abandoned Mubarak, is going wobbly on Iran, and is gutless on Syria. Besides that, despite all his best efforts, Obama has more oil than they do. Basically they don’t trust the guy.

The WSJ’s Daniel Henninger deals with this, and more, in a column “Obama’s Credibility is Melting”.

No Obama / Rouhani Hand Shake

130927 Rouhani Obama Handshake

I missed posting this one while on the USO trip. It’s from the big UN confab in New York last month.

Iran has a new president with a nice smile. President Obama put out the word he’d be happy to shake hands with President Rouhani but Rouhani snubbed him. It kind of reminded me of Ted Kennedy’s snub of President Carter at the 1980 Dem convention.

Rouhani Takes Call From Great Satan

The Iranian leader later accepted a phone call from President Obama. Wonder how that went… “Mr. President, please hold for President Obama?” ..or “The President is with a client state right now, please hold.

What Red Line?

130904-credibility-syria-obama-what-red-line-cartoonDuring a press conference on August 20 President Obama said, “a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized.”

Yesterday in Stockholm, he said, “I didn’t set a red line. The world set a red line.”

He didn’t build that red line. Somebody else made that happen.

Obama continued, “Keep in mind, I’m somebody who opposed the war in Iraq, and I’m not interested in repeating mistakes about basing decisions on faulty intelligence”.

Secretary of State John Kerry says he has proof that Assad gassed his own people, but then Colin Powell had proof of Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction. For good measure Kerry also insists that Syrian rebels are moderate .

Shirtless Putin says, “Kerry lies“.

Assad is accused of murdering a few hundred of his own. Ann Coulter notes that Saddam Hussein killed 50,000 plus with chemical weapons, leading up to the war Obama opposed. Bush’s invasion of Iraq so frightened Gadhafi that he gave up his weapons of mass destruction and turned in A Q Kahn, the ringleader of a world wide nuclear weapons black market.

Maureen Dowd, on the other hand, blames Bush.

Our Future Red Line Allies

Meanwhile it seems the Syrian rebels are busying themselves by executing men on their knees, and attacking a Christian village while they await our intervention in the war on Assad.

Slippery Slope


130312slope_drone_obamacareRand Paul’s 13 hour filibuster, extracted an agreement from the administration not to kill American citizens sitting in American cafes. For those keeping score, the Holder/Obama team has whacked 3 Americans so far.

That still leaves this administration 77 short of the Clinton/Reno mark of 80 killed in Waco Texas.

However, President Obama has shown the remarkable ability to extend the kill zone for American citizens and constitutional rights for foreign terrorists at the same time! In early March Bin Laden’s son-in-law, Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, was picked up in Jordan and brought to New York for trial. Along the way he was read his Miranda rights.

The true test of Obama’s power is – will Sulaiman be forced to buy health insurance?

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