Category Archives: Gaza

Kerry, Qatar, Hamas, and Turkey

140729Israel, Egypt, Jordan, and the Saudis want Hamas out and Fatah in in Gaza. So what did John Kerry do? He met with Islamist Turkey and Qatar to come up with a cease fire agreement that keeps Hamas in power and its rockets and tunnels intact. The Israeli cabinet unanimously rejected the deal. Israel has Hamas on the ropes. Hammas is without friends – save for Turkey and Qatar – which is why Krauthammer called Kerry Hamas’s lawyer.

Here’s David Harsanyi in The Federalist:

Perhaps because of tragic loss of life, the United States would rather see a ceasefire than Hamas dealt a mortal blow. And that is almost certainly one of the reasons Hamas uses Palestinians as human shields.

Thomas Sowell , looking way back, says ” ‘Cease-fire” and “negotiations” are magic words to “the international community.” But just what do cease-fires actually accomplish?”

In the short run, they save some lives. But in the long run they cost far more lives, by lowering the cost of aggression…

At one time, launching a military attack on another nation risked not only retaliation but annihilation. When Carthage attacked Rome, that was the end of Carthage.

Looks like mutual assured destruction all around is the key to world peace.

The Washington Post’s David Ignatius calls this Kerry’s big blunder:

Kerry’s error has been to put so much emphasis on achieving a quick halt to the bloodshed that he has solidified the role of Hamas, the intractable, unpopular Islamist group that leads Gaza, along with the two hard-line Islamist nations that are its key supporters, Qatar and Turkey. In the process, he has undercut not simply the Israelis but also the Egyptians and the Fatah movement that runs the Palestinian Authority, all of which want to see an end to Hamas rule in Gaza.

The State Department’s response to Kerry criticism? Well, this is “not the way allies treat each other.”

Hamas and the Iron Dome

140718-Hamas-Iron-DomeHamas has fired over 1200 rockets claiming “every Israeli is a legitimate target”. So far only one “legitimate target” has been killed. That’s because of Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense.

Israel doesn’t consider individual Palestinians “legitimate targets”. Before striking back at Hamas it warned civilians with pamphlets and phone calls. Hamas responded by telling them to stay in place as human shields.

Charles Krauthammer writes in the Washington Post, “Rarely does international politics present a moment of such moral clarity”:

“Here’s the difference between us,” explains the Israeli prime minister. “We’re using missile defense to protect our civilians, and they’re using their civilians to protect their missiles.”

Hamas and the Iron Dome

William Saletan in Slate says there’s plenty to argue about in Gaza, “But one thing should be clear to everyone: Hamas is insane. It’s destroying Gaza.”

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, is perplexed:

What are you trying to achieve by sending rockets?” he asked rhetorically in a TV interview. In another appearance, he pleaded: “We are the losing side, and every minute there are more and more unnecessary deaths. … I don’t like trading in Palestinian blood.”

The Guardian disagrees. Seumas Milne says, “The idea of Israel defending itself from unprovoked attacks is absurd.”

Caught with Pants Down

Funny cartoon by Chip Bok shows U.S. soldiers with their pants down in the Middle East

In The Washington Free Beacon Matthew Continetti says, “foreign policy crises are metastasizing…And the United States is clueless. Its political class is reeling after its most celebrated general in decades resigned from his post as CIA director when the FBI exposed his affair with a journalist.”

Unlike scandals that bring down blowhard politicians, this one’s no fun for Washington Post editorial page editor Fred Hiatt. He gives an impressive account of the service of generals Petraeus and Allen.

Obama Foreign Policy


Osama bin Laden is dead and al Qaeda is on the run…well…running through burning American embassies where it tortures and drags off dead ambassadors.

The UN General Assembly opened in New York on Monday. The Celebrity of the United States went there for serious talks with the world leaders of The View. He appeared with his wife, Michelle (airbrushed out of the image above), and quipped,”I’ve been told I’m eye candy here“. No, really, he did. I think it came from the same teleprompter voice that told him, “Harry, I have a gift”.

Victor Davis Hanson has a piece called The Fantasy House of Barack Obama. I recommend it to you.


Ships in the Night


The UN condemned Israel for it’s raid on the blockade running “Peace Flotilla”, sponsored in part in Turkey. Netanyahu remained defiant, claiming the craft was not the “Loveboat”. Krauthammer thinks the blockade is more than justified. Peter Beinart says it must go. Beinart’s old boss at the New Republic, Marty Peretz, had the bad manners to bring up the Armenian Genocide.

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