Category Archives: Donald Trump

Cognitively Certified and Proud of it

Cognitively Certified, Joe Biden, Michael Flynn
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President Trump is cognitively certified and bragging about it. Not only did he test negative for Covid-19, his brain tested positive on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, or MoA.

As achievements go the test is a low bar. Passing it simply means you don’t have dementia. For now. But Trump seems to think Joe Biden couldn’t pole vault over the the bar and he’s trying to provoke him out of his basement to take the test.

Joe’s Cognitive abilities may serve him well. He said he didn’t know anything about the Michael Flynn investigation. But former FBI agent Peter Stzrok’s notes from a Jan 2017 meeting say Biden recommended prosecuting Flynn under the Logan Act.

Obama deputy AG Sally Yates says she doesn’t remember if Biden brought up the Logan act but she testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee that he didn’t influence the Flynn Investigation.

As far as I know she hasn’t been tested either.

Police Violence and Trump’s Daily Assaults…

Police violence, American left, lost its mind
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But police violence, and Trump’s daily assaults on the presidential competence standard, are only part of the disaster. On the other side of the political aisle, among self-described liberals, we’re watching an intellectual revolution. It feels liberating to say after years of tiptoeing around the fact, but the American left has lost its mind.

Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone


Latest Episode of Pelosi / Trump Counterpoint

Pelosi / Trump Counterpoint, morbidly obese, fat shaming, slut shaming
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The latest episode of Pelosi / Trump Counterpoint played out last week when Nancy shed crocodile tears over Donald’s “morbid obesity” and he called her a “sick woman”.

As it happens, I’ve joined a new cartoon venture called Counterpoint. The idea is for two cartoonists – liberal vs conservative – to face off each day in the Counterpoint newsletter. My cartoon appeared opposite Chris Britt on Wednesday.

Pelosi / Trump Counterpoint

You might call it the Jane, You Ignorant Slut edition of Counterpoint.

“I could easily have been one of the guys in Chris’s bar. I’m distancing skeptical, but couldn’t pass up drawing Pelosi’s “morbidly obese” jab at Trump. Harvey Korman and Tim Conway couldn’t have done it better last week. Eighty-year-old Nancy Pelosi could barely contain herself as she expressed concern for “her” president’s health. Taking hydroxychloroquine at his age? Imagine that! And his weight group… you know, morbidly obese. I thought she’d crack up laughing before she got the words out to Anderson Cooper. And then her surprise to find out Trump was so thin-skinned about the whole thing (he called her “a sick woman”). I’d love to see Nancy and Donald together in Chris Britt’s bar at closing time.”
Chip Bok


Hydroxychloroquine, Moderna Vaccine and Trump

Hydroxychloroquine, covid-19, moderna vaccine, trump,
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Hydroxychloroquine is President Trump’s drug of choice at the moment. It’s an anti-malarial drug that some think has an off-label use against Covid-19. On Monday Trump announced that he personally takes the drug. He told the press, “I was just waiting to see your eyes light up when I said this.”

There are risks, its effectiveness against Covid-19 is unproven but he’s taking the drug under the supervision of his physician.

It’s not like he’s mainlining Lysol. Still, the expected media freak-out ensued.

Pelosi offers second opinion on Trump Hydroxychloroquine Therapy

The Speaker of the House recommended against the therapy and diagnosed Trump as morbidly obese. The president countered that she’s a sick woman with a lot of mental problems.

Earlier Monday, Moderna announced that phase one testing of its Covid-19 vaccine showed positive results. So positive that the Dow shot up 900 points. But then Trump stepped the good news.

What the Heck is Unmasking Anyway?

unmasking, michael flynn
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What the heck is unmasking anyway?

Our government spies on foreigners all the time but not its own citizens –theoretically. So while eavesdropping on a Russian ambassador is ok, it’s not ok to spy on the guy at the other end of the call, if he’s an American citizen. So, in order to protect that guy, his information is “masked.” (Bokbluster was on this in 2017)

As it happens, the guy on the other end of Russian Ambassador Kislyak’s call was Trump’s incoming Trump National Security advisor Michael Flynn. And it turns out, dozens of members of the Obama administration, including Joe Biden, unmasked him.

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