Category Archives: crime

Not Just Hair Sniffing for Joe Biden Anymore

hair sniffing, biden, presumption of innocence, sexual assault
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It’s not just hair sniffing anymore. Tara Reade, a former Joe Biden senate staffer, has accused Biden of sexual assault. Uh oh! As President Obama’s point man reforming campus “rape culture” Biden helped gut due process rights for those accused of sexual assault.

Biden’s rhetoric has also employed a de facto presumption of guilt. On a 2017 conference call with campus accusers’-rights activists, Biden offered a simple message to those who alleged that they had been sexually assaulted: “I believe you.”

KC Johnson, City Journal


And during Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing Joe had this to say:

For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real

Robby Soave, Reason

Plenty of FBI Abuse to go Around In IG Report

FBI abuse, Trump campaign
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Eli Lake at Bloomberg thinks the FBI is lucky, in a weird sort of way. That’s because the IG report shows the FBI abuse wasn’t just aimed at the Trump Campaign. The IG also found 39 other defective FISA applications.

In the twisted politics of the Trump Era, some of bureau’s defenders might actually view this report as good news: It shows that the investigation of the Trump campaign was not necessarily politically motivated. The bureau made the same kinds of mistakes with suspects who were not connected to the Trump campaign.


Jeff Bezos iPhone Hack by Saudi Prince Mystery

Jeff Bezos, hacked iPhone, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman
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The WSJ (paywall) reports that an outfit named FTI Consulting thinks Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman hacked Jeff Bezos iPhone. The firm has “medium to high confidense” that the prince did the deed through a WhatsApp account.

Saudi officials call the allegation absurd.

Trump Made his Move

Soleimani, Trump, Ali Khamenei
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“Mr. Trump has often seemed a president playing checkers while America’s adversaries play chess. He is not given to nuanced strategic concepts or long-range plans.” That’s how WSJ’s Holman Jenkins sees it.

But this time maybe he was a little nuanced, not responding while the Iranians made their moves. Or maybe he was napping, since he only sleeps four hour a night. Anyway, Iran’s proxies moved on oil tankers, bombed oil fields and shot down a U.S. drone. And Trump did nothing. Until they fired rockets at an American base, killing a contractor, and set fire to the American Embassy. Then Trump made his move, executing the evil genius General Soleimani Rocket Man style with a missile.

Long Range Plans

And now it’s not just all Death to America anymore. “His demise will not stop his mission,” said Iran’s Supreme Leader Khamenei, “But the criminals who have the blood of General Soleimani and other martyrs of the attack on their hands must await a tough revenge.”

Hugs Not Stopping Bullets

hugs not bullets
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Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador won election on a campaign of retreat from the war on drug cartels. HIs campaign pitch was “hugs, not bullets:”

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